Pesticide bottles have always been difficult to recycle. A large number of pesticide bottle discarded fields have caused great pollution to the environment and also threatened farmers' field operations. We have also mentioned this issue many times in the article, and this problem has not been solved very well.
However, we now believe that this difficult recovery situation has begun to improve. This is because, in the past, 80 = 90% of our country's population was agricultural. There are many employees in agriculture, especially in the southern region, where there are more people and less land, and plantings are scattered. It can be said that the population of terminal pesticide bottles is very large. With the advancement of the urban dialect process, a large number of agricultural populations began to engage in the tertiary industry. Farmland began to be concentrated in the form of sublease, and a large amount of farmland was concentrated in the hands of large-scale growers. The structure of the terminal use groups began to change. In addition, these large-scale growers generally have a certain amount of knowledge and understand the harm caused by the random disposal of pesticide bottles on agricultural cultivation and labor, and are easier to publicize and popularize.
For the current situation, as long as our relevant departments, especially the agricultural resources department and the pesticide company, make concerted efforts to build a pesticide bottle recycling channel, tracking pesticide bottle use groups will solve the difficult problem of pesticide bottle recycling.