Many people like to go out for backpacks, especially for women. Beautiful packages not only play a decorative role but also carry some essential items with them. Going out of backpacks is practical for many people, but studies have shown that for a long time The relatively heavy bag may cause cervical spondylosis.
Generally, female friends like to wrap their bags on their arms, or they can put their bags directly on their shoulders. Both of these conditions can easily cause cervical spondylosis. First, look at the situation where the burden will be placed on the arm: because one arm is constantly under pressure, this arm will have poor blood circulation, nerve compression, muscle numbness, and chronic pain. The shoulder bag or messenger bag, hung on one shoulder for a long time, over time, this shoulder muscle contraction, tight, will virtually cause shoulder muscle strain, and then induce cervical spondylosis.
With the shoulder bag: long time back on the shoulder, will oppress the neck muscles, blood vessels, nerves, involving the cervical spine, resulting in cervical strain, bone hyperplasia, and then affect the vertebral nerve, vertebral artery, causing people to produce upper limb numbness, neck and Upper limb pain, dizziness, nausea, chest discomfort and other symptoms.
For more information, please pay attention to China Backpacking Network
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