Preschool children do more outdoor sports to protect eyesight Date:2016-05-25 12:24
A few days ago, the medical staff of Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital went to Xiqing District for the Ming and early childhood kindergartens to screen their eyes for the children. Medical staff performed visual inspections for more than 200 children aged 3 to 6 years and found that 23 children had vision problems, accounting for more than 10% of the number of children tested, including 15 children with astigmatism. Professor Qian Xuehan of the Strabismus and Children's Eye Diseases Center of Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital said that the most common eye diseases in children are refractive errors, including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Long-distance use of mobile phones, tablet computers, and Other electronic devices is undoubtedly the most One of the major culprits. The constantly changing brightness of the screen and the frequent flashing of content can easily cause eye fatigue, dryness and other symptoms. As time goes by, the eyes are destroyed in a bad environment. Li Jun, director of the Ming and early childhood kindergartens, also said that in the past, parents reported that children had problems with vision in the general medical examination. It seems that many patients with pediatric eye diseases have a lot of problems.
Qian Zhu suggested that parents should create the environment for children to grow up in natural light as much as possible. Bring their children to the outdoors and see more of the green in the villages and fields. Do not simply think that the information on television, computers, and books is to open the child's wisdom. door. In addition, laser toys such as laser guns and remote-controlled laser vehicles have high laser brightness and cause great damage to the eyes and are not suitable for children to play. When parents find that their children's eyes are not right, they should take their children to a professional eye hospital as early as possible, so that early detection and early treatment can achieve good results.
A few days ago, the medical staff of Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital went to Xiqing District for the Ming and early childhood kindergartens to screen their eyes for the children. Medical staff performed visual inspections for more than 200 children aged 3 to 6 years and found that 23 children had vision problems, accounting for more than 10% of the number of children tested, including 15 children with astigmatism. Professor Qian Xuehan of the Strabismus and Children's Eye Diseases Center of Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital said that the most common eye diseases in children are refractive errors, including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Long-distance use of mobile phones, tablet computers, and Other electronic devices is undoubtedly the most One of the major culprits. The constantly changing brightness of the screen and the frequent flashing of content can easily cause eye fatigue, dryness and other symptoms. As time goes by, the eyes are destroyed in a bad environment. Li Jun, director of the Ming and early childhood kindergartens, also said that in the past, parents reported that children had problems with vision in the general medical examination. It seems that many patients with pediatric eye diseases have a lot of problems.
Qian Zhu suggested that parents should create the environment for children to grow up in natural light as much as possible. Bring their children to the outdoors and see more of the green in the villages and fields. Do not simply think that the information on television, computers, and books is to open the child's wisdom. door. In addition, laser toys such as laser guns and remote-controlled laser vehicles have high laser brightness and cause great damage to the eyes and are not suitable for children to play. When parents find that their children's eyes are not right, they should take their children to a professional eye hospital as early as possible, so that early detection and early treatment can achieve good results.
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