Among the many outdoor products, tents are one of the three major outdoor products and their importance is self-evident. Especially for a person who likes to walk by himself, the importance of the tent is no less than other equipment. Even the equipment that occupies one-third of our daily usage time cannot be ignored, especially in harsh environments.
The Himalayas, as the largest mountain in the world, always gives a sense of grandeur. As an outdoor product brand, he may not be famous in many brand-name products, and the product line is relatively large. The tent is one of them. When I saw this Himalayan mountain tent, I was attracted to a certain degree of lightness.
According to the official description, this tent weighs 1.27kg. This weight is very competitive among the same types of tents. Aviation brackets, diamond-shaped aluminum nails, 15D single-sided coated silicon tents, 20D bottom accounts, just this series of parameters, people have great expectations for the tent.
This is a self-sustainable 1.5-person tent, but in actual use, the space should be similar to the single-person tent. The following figure shows the space after the single mat is placed. Please ask the master to answer the definition of the 1.5-person tent. Is it my understanding? Is there a deviation? Or do I really think it is a single account.
The main body is irregular in size, and the tent is gradually enlarged toward the opening direction of the door to design the side door. Individuals will always like the design of opening the door on the side. The design of the door can be larger, but you can also sit in the door and do some cooking.
This section of the tent itself is equipped with an internal and external accounts, an original cloth, diamond aluminum nail 11, air aluminum frame.
One of the selling points of this tent is light, compact, and the weight has already been said. The length and breadth can be seen in the figure. I only say that I put it down with a small 28-liter backpack. Also includes a light sleeping bag, two-day stove water bottle and so on.
The tent tent is made of 15D single-coated silicon fabric, and the bottom account is made of 20D plaid nylon waterproof fabric. Both 15D and 20D are excellent fabrics for light weight and tear resistance, while silicon coated on one side is designed to be both waterproof and lightweight.
The net design of the internal accounts is a common template for most three-quarter tents. One is to increase ventilation, and the latter is to be more lightweight. This is particularly advantageous in the summer, especially in the south.
In order to achieve the effect of ventilation, a skylight is also opened on the upper edge of the hallway, which is conducive to the flow of internal air to the outside air.
If the weather does not rain, the design of the tent door also provides some convenience for ventilation. The door is also mesh-like, and the door of the outer tent can be accommodated.
The result of the fall-out is just like this. In fact, you can get a better look, and lazy people do not care.
The upper and the left and right sides of the hall are equipped with ropes and adjustable small fasteners to accommodate the outer curtain. The operation is very convenient and user-friendly.
The reason I like it is also in the handling of some details. The double zipper head design of the zipper, and the use of a buckle design on the post and the inside account, is convenient for operation.
As a fish ridge type tent, its post is the shape of two Y-shaped connections, which is one. The material of aviation aluminum also made him full of texture.
However, there are also designs that make me feel a bit complicated in the program. When the external account is deducted from the account, it is a bit more complicated. It needs to be turned like a paper clip, and the design of the small fastener is specifically concerned.
Many people feel that the wind rope is useless when using the tent. This is a great misconception. Under good weather conditions, its role may not be very prominent, but it will be very effective in some abnormal weather. There is a wind rope design on each side of the tent, but I like its small buckles and wind rope. The buckle is very special, the wind rope is slender and the texture is very good.
In a nutshell, this is a lightweight single-person tent (based on its space, which I have given myself) and is suitable for use in a variety of environments that are not extremely harsh, whether it is from materials used inside or outside, or poles, Even the use of fasteners and wind ropes made me feel satisfied. The storage and use of the single tents were very human. In the ointment, it is personally felt whether the tent door can be considered slightly larger. In addition, the operation of the buckle on the external account deducted to the internal account can also be simplified as much as possible.
However, with such a good time, I took the Himalayan mount tents. You took the money and we set off.
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