"Bucket Bag" to Solve Iron Defects

The “bucket bag” produced by Belgrade Product of Wellingborough, UK, is a strong, flexible, low-density polyethylene multi-layer liner that eliminates the risk of contamination from rust, condensation, and bacteria in 216-liter iron drums. .

The product is strong and specially designed to prevent waste from causing pollution and overcome the environmental problems associated with iron drum disposal. Suitable for the transportation and storage of various liquids from chemicals and inks to fuels and foodstuffs.

The product has been patented and developed in Norway. It is placed inside a metal drum and combines the characteristics of two types of packaging, namely the strength of the steel drum and the flexibility, cleanliness and chemical resistance of the liner.

The system complies with all current national and international environmental regulations.

Dougie Black, business development manager for Belgrade Polymer Products, said, “This is a simple and ingenious solution. Our bucket bags are very popular among customers because they can prevent the waste from being contaminated and the cost of recycling the iron drums. Save to benefit."

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