The daily maintenance of natural leather bags is mainly affected by wind, sun, dust, and rain, and the cortex becomes hard and the color fades. For handbags that have to be collected during the season, the leather must be cleaned before storage. The bags should then be put into a soft cotton bag. The bags that are stored in the cabinet should be deformed by improper extrusion. This week, teach you a few basic tips for maintenance of leather goods bags, so that your leather goods bags back beautiful, and feel at ease. Leather luggage bag maintenance method 1. It is recommended to clean the dust before it is stored. Generally, the leather products are best applied to the cortex maintenance oil. First, wipe the oil on a clean cotton cloth, and then evenly wipe the surface to avoid applying the oil directly on the surface to avoid damage to the leather. 2. The cabinets containing the leather products must be kept ventilated. The natural oils of the leather itself will gradually decrease as time goes by or the number of uses is too much, so even very advanced leather goods need regular maintenance. 3. Strong leather absorption, should pay attention to anti-pollution, high-grade matte leather especially pay attention. Once a week, dry with a dry towel, wring it out, and gently wipe it several times. If you find any holes, rags and burns, do not arbitrarily repair, please directly to the professional services. 4. The hardware maintenance of leather goods should be wiped with a dry cloth after use. Such as micro-oxidation, you can try to gently wipe the hardware with flour or toothpaste. 5. Paint leather generally only need to use a soft cloth to wipe. For the maintenance of glossy leather, please use a little leather special oil on the soft cloth, and then rub on the leather slightly; the maintenance of matte leather, usually just wipe gently with a cloth, if the dirt is serious, you can try similar rubber The rubber is gently wiped and removed. Children's trolley case investment Other material bags maintenance methods For the cleaning of canvas, nylon, EVA and other materials, clean the surface with a damp cloth or viscous roller brush. When removing more serious stains, use a damp cloth or a soft brush to wipe with a neutral detergent. Keep suitcases dry for long periods of time to prevent moulds and odors from developing. If you use a damp cloth to clean the inside of the box, it must be air-dried before it can be closed. Do not use the suitcase as a storage box. Too much clothing can cause the suitcase wheels or feet to be deformed over time by overload pressure. The clothing ties and partitions in the box should be kept in a relaxed state. If the elastic band is stretched for a long time, it will lose its elasticity. China Trolley Case Trading Network is an e-commerce platform of China Treasury's Trolley Case, which integrates all upstream and downstream companies in the country for genuine procurement and genuine wholesale. Provides professional trolley case trading platform and information for consumers and has a wealth of trolley case resources. Fundamentally, the quality of the trolley case can be guaranteed. So if you want to pay more attention to the trolley news, please come here! The above information is from China Trolley Exchange website.