Can squat exercise be able to lose weight? Master seven points to easily eliminate fat

Can you lose weight? This question is actually for the average person who does not know the specific answer. The squat is not unfamiliar to ordinary people, because in many of our people's real life, there are many times that we can do squats. In fact, in addition to the normal working hours, there are many benefits that we can use to make squats and squats. Many people also use squats to lose weight.


The basic methods and points of the squat exercise

Starting position: Two legs apart, slightly wider than shoulders, naturally stand. The direction of the tiptoe is basically an inverted figure eight, which is based on the direction of the second toe of the foot. When kneeling, the direction of the knee is on the extension line of the second toe, which is more natural and less laborious.

The squat posture: The correct position should be from the beginning of the movement until the end of the movement. The torso from the head to the waist should always be in a state of straight stretch, and the hips should be picked up from behind.

End position: The knees are bent until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Suspended segments when fully squatted are the best muscles to work on.

The posture when standing up: When standing up, the point is to feel the entire foot pressing down on the ground.

Speed ​​at the time of squatting: The squat speed (time) is roughly 5 seconds. When you are in a squatting posture, you deliberately slow down.

Breathing method at the time of squatting: Inhale while squatting down; exhale while standing up.

The number of exercises: 30 times a day is appropriate. Weak people start to do less, and those with physical strength can do more.


Profound effect

1. Squats are the best way to increase the strength of your legs. Leg strength is the most important for body strength, and the potential is also the greatest. Powerlifting, weightlifting, brawny, and throwing, these strength projects rely mainly on leg strength.

2, Shen Hao can also promote the body's strength. To know that leg strength + hip + waist force, this is the bulk of the body's strength. In addition, because deep scorpion can maximize testosterone secretion, it also has a good effect on upper limb strength.

3, the preferred choice for developed leg muscles. The leg occupies more than half of the body length. Without a well-developed leg, you can't call it bodybuilding anyway. At most you can only call it half-fitness.


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