Reflective series of single product will love their friends at night to improve their own safety factor, but to increase the safety factor that can not reduce their overall wear and with. Xiao Bian here recommend a shoe that can both increase the safety factor and can improve the wear and the provision of shoes.
On Friday, adidas originals released three sneakers designed with Xenopeltis snakeskin elements. The Snakestalk itself can shine colorful under the sun's rays, and this time the designer is very good to load this element on the shoes, so that at night you ride under bright light and shine like a serpent Glittering, not looking at the shoes under the glare of light, there is a sense of mystery. Also faint, still has a murderous atmosphere.

The three shoes are priced at $120 for the ZX Flux Xeno, $110 for the Superstar Xeno, and $140 for the Metro Attitude Xeno.

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