In the printing concept, words such as moiré, stray, moire, Moire, and Moire stripes often appear, and the basic contents described follow the same principle and their meanings are close or identical. In optics, Moire fringes are often used to describe; in printing and packaging, misuse or moiré is often used to describe; in Taiwan Province, the expression of moire is mainly used in optics and measurement.
basic concept
1. Moire stripes
When spatially periodic dot images overlap or scan and record dot images, interference occurs between the periodic components contained in the original image and the scanning periodicity, presenting a new low spatial frequency diffraction that is not visible in the original image. Stripes, called Moire stripes, the printing industry commonly known as moire.
When the various printing plates are overprinted, the arrangement line of one printing plate dot intersects with the line arrangement line of the other printing plate at an angle, and a series of interference fringes are generated, which are called moire because they resemble the patterns on the shell.
Due to the improper arrangement of the dot patterns used in the various printing plates, undesired patterns appear in the printed images. These patterns are called moire patterns.
Unwanted periodic graphic structures resulting from the interaction between two-dimensional or multi-dimensional periodic structures are called moiré fringes.
When the dot angle difference of the printing plate is 30', the moire pattern with the best visual effect of the printed matter is the best
2. Streak
Does not produce moire. Streaks are streak marks appearing on the reticulate plane that are parallel to the axial direction of the roller, and are the faults of the offset printing product.
3. Moire (misaligned, moire)
The moire is also called the moire, and most of them are related to reports in Taiwan Province. Mo,re moiré (mismatched), when the screen pattern is overprinted by a half-tone version, the orientation of the pattern plays an important role. If the screen pattern does not have a proper alignment, interference fringes will occur, called moire patterns. The angle can be used to alleviate the problem of moiré.
Stacking two light-transmitting fine patterns together creates a new set of patterns; this pattern has a subtle relationship with mathematics, physics, engineering measurements, visual psychology, and contour mapping.
The generation of moribund
1. The generation of moribund
A pattern formed by overlapping two sets of relatively transparent gratings or grids with relatively large pitches is called moire-MWARAY. Here the so-called grating refers to the transparent pattern composed of transparent fine lines. As long as the grating's lines are dense enough, the shape is irrelevant. Of course, different gratings can be combined into different moirés.
Many of the magical mysteries of nature walk around you. As long as you are keen-minded and eye-opener, you will be able to perceive the appearance and receive the strange phenomena that were bred in the ordinary.
In addition to the wonderful patterns, there are some strange phenomena. As soon as you move or rotate a grating, the moiré changes. This shows that moiré can be used to measure small deformations or movements of objects.
2. Gratings - mother of moire
Any two sets of gratings with pitches, or a pattern of one grating combined with any fine stripe, can produce moiré. The moiré produced by different combinations of gratings can be used to explain certain phenomena in mathematics, geometry, and physics.
The finest grating in nature counts crystals, and the atoms in the crystals make up the most basic lattice. Because the lattice itself is too thin, even an electron microscope cannot distinguish it. However, if the two crystals are stacked together and the direction of coincidence is almost the same, they can be seen under the electron microscope.
This article mainly introduces the relationship between the double folds, the basic grating and the moiré. It can be seen that aliasing, staggered nets, moire, Moire, and Moire fringe are different titles that represent the same phenomenon. It is the same connotation.