The United States has developed a paint called Repelkote, which solves the problem of pests in the storage and transportation process. Repelkote coatings prevent pests from growing in packaging products such as rice, corn flour, flour, edible batter, dry cereals, baking mixes, biscuits, dry pet foods, instant food mixes, textiles, fruits, flowers and vegetables.
Repelkote is made from natural ingredients (winter oil) and used as a pressed soil layer in folding operations for folding cartons, corrugated boxes and multilayer paper bags. This product is usually used for the outer layer of packaging materials or the inner layer of multilayer paper bags.
Repekote is used as a press coating in converting operations in collapsible cartons, corrugated cartons and multilayer Kraft bags.
In North America, Karosta sells Repelkote coated collapsible cartons, multilayer Kraft bags, and corrugated cartons worth US$30 million annually. It is understood that this technology can incorporate essential oils into the coating solution and use it in the bottom layer to drive out the pests through the controlled release of the active ingredient, so that there will be no return of the product due to contamination of the sample, and it will also be reduced. Cost.
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