With the increasing popularity of the internet and digital data exchange, publishing cannot eliminate computer technology. What changes have occurred in the publication of vocational education before and after computerization. From a historical perspective, it is possible to find out what are new and remaining issues.
Books publishing is very complex and can be divided into planning, editing (original editing, proofreading), production (original designation), and distribution. The objects of this study are editing and production. Among them, production (original designation) is mainly The related group edition matters are limited. They are deeply influenced by computers, while others are the future issues.
1. Computerization of book publishing, premised on the premise of computer group edition technology, first of all using Chinese character information processing (database), group edition (computer group edition) and plate making (electronic color separation machine) at the printing site . In the past, book production was generally in movable type, photoengraving, and copying using pressure paper type, lead type, etc., and letterpress printing was a common method for book production.
The original manuscripts of the time were often handwritten manuscripts. When the publication was reprinted, the printed books could be called manuscripts (original manuscripts). They all had to be hand-synthesized or used with a single-character caster and hand-checked words.
The typeface has a long history of use and the technology is relatively stable. At that time, there are no major differences in the operation methods of the printing factories, and the original manuscripts and proofreading methods are also the same.
The system and method of division of labor at that time consisted of publishing, designating, and proofreading the manuscripts of the manuscripts. The grouping and subsequent revisions, plate making, and printing were performed at the printing factory.
Technical problems are generally resolved by the printing factory, but there are also remedies at the printing factory due to the original designation and proofreading.
The technical process of movable type printing is mostly manual work. It can be roughly understood during the internship period. The daily school department of our school will go to a printing press factory for five months after enrolling in the school, which can achieve great educational effects. Correspondence to the Ministry of Education's schooling, which is carried out each summer, is also an internship in a typographic printing factory. Of course, textbooks and handouts on the typesetting and subsequent operations make it clear that students should understand each basic item.
Therefore, the manuscript designation and proofreading work at this stage can roughly be explained separately. There is no problem for the technical process of movable type printing as a professional education for publication.
2. The introduction and use of computer group editions --- The era of borrowing the movable type method Japan's first computer-grouped machine (Sapton N) was introduced in 1966 for the printing of the "Society New Daily" by the Japanese Socialist Party. Since then, large-scale printing factories and small and medium-sized printing factories have set up funds to set up cooperatives to introduce computer group technology. With the price drop, small and medium-sized printing plants have also been introduced. According to the Survey of Print Press of Japan, there were 230 units related to the printing industry in 1982 and 1,014 units in 1989. The popularity in the 1980s was very rapid.
The computer group version was originally mainly used in the press industry and the work related to Chinese character information processing. The books are still all in movable type. With the popularity of the computer group version, they are gradually used in book production.
The computer group edition at this time is a handwritten manuscript designated by the publishing house imported by a special input machine of the printing house. The publishing house assumes the manuscript preparation, the original manuscript designation and proofreading, and the division of labor and the method of division of the printing house for the purpose of group making and subsequent operations are still not maintained. change.
The computer group version can only be used as a group version, and then it gradually proceeds to page processing. The goal at that time was to change the movable type to the computerized version. It is still based on the premise that the type of movable type is taken into account. There is not much difference between the designation and proofreading of manuscripts in general books and movable type printing plates. The operating methods of printing houses and publishing houses are the same as those in movable type printing plates (codes, dictionaries, timetables, etc. are available). The computer's information processing capability. It has changed slightly from the original manuscript specification and proofreading method, but it is no longer the original method).
The movable type printing plate saves money compared with the computer group printing plate, and it is also better than the computer group printing plate in terms of stability, detail handling, and data correction. Therefore, the book production still uses the movable type plate set as the mainstream. The school published the second edition of "Publishing and Editing Technology (Volume 1)" in 1978. The book was originally intended to use computer group editions, but there are difficulties in how to arrange them correctly. The results are still in movable type. (The editing process in the book is still based on the narration of movable typesettings. Of course, the commentary on the group edition system is in the computer group edition. Also accounted for a considerable amount of space).
It can be seen that the publishing vocational education at the then Japanese publishing school was in the form of a movable type group and a computer group edition.
3. Popularity of Computer Group Edition ---- Understanding How to Use Computers for Group Edition Processing Computer group editions have been popularized to small and medium-sized printers in the 1980s, and far better than movable type books in book production. The publication department of the Japan Publishing School has increased its number of publications printed on the computer group since about 1985.
With the increase in the use of computer group books, first of all require teachers and administrators should understand the computer group version: how to use the computer group version, which can be handled, which is difficult to handle, how the work of the project, the original designation and proofreading at the time of proof, etc. .
To this end, the school’s summer short courses in the 1980s actively planned lectures on computer group editions. It also recruited teachers, administrators, and diligent students to participate in the production of seminars and production learning sessions.
During the six years since 1988, we have successively organized "group method workshops," which mainly consisted of teachers from our school, and asked the computer group's actual operators to report on the summary of the group's system and the contents of the group's version of the program and answer questions every month. The method of group edition (the principle of group edition, the rules of group edition) and the problems that have occurred have been discussed in depth (the results were compiled in 1991 as the "Principles of Computer Banking (Research Materials)").
This is to understand the computer group edition, understand the problems it would have occurred in manuscript designation and proofreading, and elaborate on the era of lectures.
In the 1980s, there were not many books explaining computer group editions. It was still limited to the systems used by printing companies. The short courses, study sessions, and seminars held by the school only played a supplementary role. When dealing with computer groupings, the processing content is like a "black box" that cannot be easily ascertained. For editors, this should be how to make it a "white box" or "gray box."
With the joint efforts of teachers and administrators, the corresponding computerized edition textbooks have continued to increase. At present, except for one book, it has been replaced by a computer group edition. The daily school book exercise class actually experienced the book manuscript production and the printing of its homework. In 1987 it had been changed to a computer group edition. The internship was first written by a Japanese word processor, the data was stored on a floppy disk, and the manuscript was input from a floppy disk (have been changed to a DTP job since 1991).
4. Development and Introduction of Japanese Word Processors - Usage and Education of Original Manuscript Composer and Editor With the rapid development of Japanese word processors, the rapid development of Japanese word processors has led to a smooth drop in prices and the smooth entry into the printing scene. In 1978, Toshiba sold the first Japanese processor JW-10. In 1979, Japan Electric launched the personal computer PC-8001. Sharp launched the Japanese Academy's Japanese word processor. In 1982, Fujitsu sold 750,000 yen. Sale of a Japanese word processor MY-OASYS.
Originally, it was only used as a machine for arranging letters. Because of its low price and the "kana-kanji switching" function, everyone could easily operate, and both authors and editors could directly use it as manuscript authors and manuscript editors. Therefore, the editorial department of the publishing house also introduced a Japanese word processor.
In 1984, with the assistance of Dainippon Printing, the school opened a short-term summer training program for word processors and introduced 10 OASYS 100J the following year. The Department of Japanese Languages ​​set up a word processing machine editing practice course. In 1985, it was an elective course, and it began to change in 1986. Required course.
Word Processor Editing Practice classes are edited by learning keyboard operations and Japanese input, ie, editing techniques such as moving, inserting, rewriting, and merging. It is difficult to compare with the so-called regular computer groupings and can only be used to process the proposed book magazine sample. Japanese word processors can be used to produce handouts, portfolios, report sets, and more.
At that time, keyboard operation and Japanese input had been regulated as a part of publishing vocational education. However, today it has been included in the education curriculum of primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning or used within the family. Therefore, it is no longer the main lesson of publishing vocational education. There are already a large number of students who have computers at the daily school department.) Although some elective students are given a keyboard operation and a Japanese input method, the focus is on learning the skills of Japanese word processors to write articles and articles, and how to handle digital text. In addition, there is the question of which type of manuscript is to be completed by a word processor, how to make a manuscript for publication, and what experience needs to be accumulated.
Today we need digital data created by authors and editors or reusing digital data made in the past as data on publications and web pages. We teach digital data processing and editing methods and methods of use. Especially important.
In 1990, members of the school’s office and publishing department finally had a dedicated Japanese word processor to organize the word processor originals from teachers and authors.
5. The use of DTP - editors to learn group edition, the era of plate making Apple Computer in 1984 launched a 32-bit personal computer Macintosh. In 1985, Ardas sold the initial desktop publishing system (DTP, Desk Top Publishing) software Page Maker. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, DTP software was Japanese and began to use it.
In 1990, the school introduced five Macintosh IIcx (the central processor is Motorola 68030, hard disk is 40MB, 21-inch monochrome display), and started DTP education. (The school updated the equipment in 1995 and plans to purchase it again this year.)
The personal computer has been changed from a printing house in the past to an editorial staff. DTP can be used for image processing just after its introduction, and its technological progress is changing with each passing day. Today, we can not only make panels but also make plate-making and appearance processing. It enables jobs that must be entrusted to others before, and editors can now manage the job process from start to finish.
In order to operate DTP for group making and plate making operations, it is natural that a good publication with a good genre must possess a high degree of knowledge and a certain kind of specialized knowledge. Therefore, not all editors can use the DTP group edition. According to the job content, some editors who will operate DTP can use the DTP group edition (in fact, in addition to the editorial staff of the publishing house, the DTP group edition is used in the design studio and the editing production department. And plate-making examples are increasing.) Therefore, the manuscript preparation, manuscript designation and proofreading are borne by the publishing house, and there is basically no change in the structure of the group's printing plate and its various subsequent operations. However, the ideal division of work is not static but changes. Editors are no longer responsible for manuscript creation, manuscript designation and proofreading as they have done in the past, but they may be extended to group editions and platemaking operations.
In particular, the design studio and the editing and production department, as an extension of manuscript collation and design, mostly use DTP grouping and platemaking, so they need to have DTP knowledge and operational skills in addition to editing and publishing design knowledge. The Japan Publishing School also has the purpose of publishing DTP education as a vocational education, ie, to develop DTP editors and DTP designers who have editing skills and published design skills. This ability is also required in the publishing house. The genre and scope of publication of professional education have naturally expanded.
With the increasing popularity of the internet and digital data exchange, publishing cannot eliminate computer technology. What changes have occurred in the publication of vocational education before and after computerization. From a historical perspective, it is possible to find out what are new and remaining issues.
Books publishing is very complex and can be divided into planning, editing (original editing, proofreading), production (original designation), and distribution. The objects of this study are editing and production. Among them, production (original designation) is mainly The related group edition matters are limited. They are deeply influenced by computers, while others are the future issues.
1. Computerization of book publishing, premised on the premise of computer group edition technology, first of all using Chinese character information processing (database), group edition (computer group edition) and plate making (electronic color separation machine) at the printing site . In the past, book production was generally in movable type, photoengraving, and copying using pressure paper type, lead type, etc., and letterpress printing was a common method for book production.
The original manuscripts of the time were often handwritten manuscripts. When the publication was reprinted, the printed books could be called manuscripts (original manuscripts). They all had to be hand-synthesized or used with a single-character caster and hand-checked words.
The typeface has a long history of use and the technology is relatively stable. At that time, there are no major differences in the operation methods of the printing factories, and the original manuscripts and proofreading methods are also the same.
The system and method of division of labor at that time consisted of publishing, designating, and proofreading the manuscripts of the manuscripts. The grouping and subsequent revisions, plate making, and printing were performed at the printing factory.
Technical problems are generally resolved by the printing factory, but there are also remedies at the printing factory due to the original designation and proofreading.
The technical process of movable type printing is mostly manual work. It can be roughly understood during the internship period. The daily school department of our school will go to a printing press factory for five months after enrolling in the school, which can achieve great educational effects. Correspondence to the Ministry of Education's schooling, which is carried out each summer, is also an internship in a typographic printing factory. Of course, textbooks and handouts on the typesetting and subsequent operations make it clear that students should understand each basic item.
Therefore, the manuscript designation and proofreading work at this stage can roughly be explained separately. There is no problem for the technical process of movable type printing as a professional education for publication.
2. The introduction and use of computer group editions --- The era of borrowing the movable type method Japan's first computer-grouped machine (Sapton N) was introduced in 1966 for the printing of the "Society New Daily" by the Japanese Socialist Party. Since then, large-scale printing factories and small and medium-sized printing factories have set up funds to set up cooperatives to introduce computer group technology. With the price drop, small and medium-sized printing plants have also been introduced. According to the Survey of Print Press of Japan, there were 230 units related to the printing industry in 1982 and 1,014 units in 1989. The popularity in the 1980s was very rapid.
The computer group version was originally mainly used in the press industry and the work related to Chinese character information processing. The books are still all in movable type. With the popularity of the computer group version, they are gradually used in book production.
The computer group edition at this time is a handwritten manuscript designated by the publishing house imported by a special input machine of the printing house. The publishing house assumes the manuscript preparation, the original manuscript designation and proofreading, and the division of labor and the method of division of the printing house for the purpose of group making and subsequent operations are still not maintained. change.
The computer group version can only be used as a group version, and then it gradually proceeds to page processing. The goal at that time was to change the movable type to the computerized version. It is still based on the premise that the type of movable type is taken into account. There is not much difference between the designation and proofreading of manuscripts in general books and movable type printing plates. The operating methods of printing houses and publishing houses are the same as those in movable type printing plates (codes, dictionaries, timetables, etc. are available). The computer's information processing capability. It has changed slightly from the original manuscript specification and proofreading method, but it is no longer the original method).
The movable type printing plate saves money compared with the computer group printing plate, and it is also better than the computer group printing plate in terms of stability, detail handling, and data correction. Therefore, the book production still uses the movable type plate set as the mainstream. The school published the second edition of "Publishing and Editing Technology (Volume 1)" in 1978. The book was originally intended to use computer group editions, but there are difficulties in how to arrange them correctly. The results are still in movable type. (The editing process in the book is still based on the narration of movable typesettings. Of course, the commentary on the group edition system is in the computer group edition. Also accounted for a considerable amount of space).
It can be seen that the publishing vocational education at the then Japanese publishing school was in the form of a movable type group and a computer group edition.
3. Popularity of Computer Group Edition ---- Understanding How to Use Computers for Group Edition Processing Computer group editions have been popularized to small and medium-sized printers in the 1980s, and far better than movable type books in book production. The publication department of the Japan Publishing School has increased its number of publications printed on the computer group since about 1985.
With the increase in the use of computer group books, first of all require teachers and administrators should understand the computer group version: how to use the computer group version, which can be handled, which is difficult to handle, how the work of the project, the original designation and proofreading at the time of proof, etc. .
To this end, the school’s summer short courses in the 1980s actively planned lectures on computer group editions. It also recruited teachers, administrators, and diligent students to participate in the production of seminars and production learning sessions.
During the six years since 1988, we have successively organized "group method workshops," which mainly consisted of teachers from our school, and asked the computer group's actual operators to report on the summary of the group's system and the contents of the group's version of the program and answer questions every month. The method of group edition (the principle of group edition, the rules of group edition) and the problems that have occurred have been discussed in depth (the results were compiled in 1991 as the "Principles of Computer Banking (Research Materials)").
This is to understand the computer group edition, understand the problems it would have occurred in manuscript designation and proofreading, and elaborate on the era of lectures.
In the 1980s, there were not many books explaining computer group editions. It was still limited to the systems used by printing companies. The short courses, study sessions, and seminars held by the school only played a supplementary role. When dealing with computer groupings, the processing content is like a "black box" that cannot be easily ascertained. For editors, this should be how to make it a "white box" or "gray box."
With the joint efforts of teachers and administrators, the corresponding computerized edition textbooks have continued to increase. At present, except for one book, it has been replaced by a computer group edition. The daily school book exercise class actually experienced the book manuscript production and the printing of its homework. In 1987 it had been changed to a computer group edition. The internship was first written by a Japanese word processor, the data was stored on a floppy disk, and the manuscript was input from a floppy disk (have been changed to a DTP job since 1991).
4. Development and Introduction of Japanese Word Processors - Usage and Education of Original Manuscript Composer and Editor With the rapid development of Japanese word processors, the rapid development of Japanese word processors has led to a smooth drop in prices and the smooth entry into the printing scene. In 1978, Toshiba sold the first Japanese processor JW-10. In 1979, Japan Electric launched the personal computer PC-8001. Sharp launched the Japanese Academy's Japanese word processor. In 1982, Fujitsu sold 750,000 yen. Sale of a Japanese word processor MY-OASYS.
Originally, it was only used as a machine for arranging letters. Because of its low price and the "kana-kanji switching" function, everyone could easily operate, and both authors and editors could directly use it as manuscript authors and manuscript editors. Therefore, the editorial department of the publishing house also introduced a Japanese word processor.
In 1984, with the assistance of Dainippon Printing, the school opened a short-term summer training program for word processors and introduced 10 OASYS 100J the following year. The Department of Japanese Languages ​​set up a word processing machine editing practice course. In 1985, it was an elective course, and it began to change in 1986. Required course.
Word Processor Editing Practice classes are edited by learning keyboard operations and Japanese input, ie, editing techniques such as moving, inserting, rewriting, and merging. It is difficult to compare with the so-called regular computer groupings and can only be used to process the proposed book magazine sample. Japanese word processors can be used to produce handouts, portfolios, report sets, and more.
At that time, keyboard operation and Japanese input had been regulated as a part of publishing vocational education. However, today it has been included in the education curriculum of primary and secondary schools and institutions of higher learning or used within the family. Therefore, it is no longer the main lesson of publishing vocational education. There are already a large number of students who have computers at the daily school department.) Although some elective students are given a keyboard operation and a Japanese input method, the focus is on learning the skills of Japanese word processors to write articles and articles, and how to handle digital text. In addition, there is the question of which type of manuscript is to be completed by a word processor, how to make a manuscript for publication, and what experience needs to be accumulated.
Today we need digital data created by authors and editors or reusing digital data made in the past as data on publications and web pages. We teach digital data processing and editing methods and methods of use. Especially important.
In 1990, members of the school’s office and publishing department finally had a dedicated Japanese word processor to organize the word processor originals from teachers and authors.
5. The use of DTP - editors to learn group edition, the era of plate making Apple Computer in 1984 launched a 32-bit personal computer Macintosh. In 1985, Ardas sold the initial desktop publishing system (DTP, Desk Top Publishing) software Page Maker. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, DTP software was Japanese and began to use it.
In 1990, the school introduced five Macintosh IIcx (the central processor is Motorola 68030, hard disk is 40MB, 21-inch monochrome display), and started DTP education. (The school updated the equipment in 1995 and plans to purchase it again this year.)
The personal computer has been changed from a printing house in the past to an editorial staff. DTP can be used for image processing just after its introduction, and its technological progress is changing with each passing day. Today, we can not only make panels but also make plate-making and appearance processing. It enables jobs that must be entrusted to others before, and editors can now manage the job process from start to finish.
In order to operate DTP for group making and plate making operations, it is natural that a good publication with a good genre must possess a high degree of knowledge and a certain kind of specialized knowledge. Therefore, not all editors can use the DTP group edition. According to the job content, some editors who will operate DTP can use the DTP group edition (in fact, in addition to the editorial staff of the publishing house, the DTP group edition is used in the design studio and the editing production department. And plate-making examples are increasing.) Therefore, the manuscript preparation, manuscript designation and proofreading are borne by the publishing house, and there is basically no change in the structure of the group's printing plate and its various subsequent operations. However, the ideal division of work is not static but changes. Editors are no longer responsible for manuscript creation, manuscript designation and proofreading as they have done in the past, but they may be extended to group editions and platemaking operations.
In particular, the design studio and the editing and production department, as an extension of manuscript collation and design, mostly use DTP grouping and platemaking, so they need to have DTP knowledge and operational skills in addition to editing and publishing design knowledge. The Japan Publishing School also has the purpose of publishing DTP education as a vocational education, ie, to develop DTP editors and DTP designers who have editing skills and published design skills. This ability is also required in the publishing house. The genre and scope of publication of professional education have naturally expanded.
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