Make digital printing money

How to make digital printing money? This is a valuable issue for both printers and printer manufacturers.

Before the drupa printing exhibition in May this year, digital presses have not been put into the market in large quantities, and digital printing has made great progress in recent months. At the recent Industry and Trade Forum held by the London Book Publishing Industry Trade Union, Xerox Printing Director and General Manager Summerer pointed out a situation that predicts that in the next decade, the color digital printing market will grow by 30%. Development is not surprising. 16% of Xerox's total business comes from color digital printing, and 60% of revenue comes from digital machines. And these figures have to be divided into two places, the executive director and president of Denmark's Bludherd company, said: The current market share of digital printing is 4%, by 2010 can only expect to grow to 11%. More than one digital printing equipment supplier acknowledges the disappointing development of the digital color printing market based on the number of machines sold. However, the market launch of digital photo processing systems with network links from INDIGO and XEIKON undoubtedly injected a boost to the development of the digital printing market.

According to the situation provided by the printer after continuous operation, the current model cannot ensure reliability and production efficiency. And the cost of operations and services is too high. Naturally, these problems are also highly valued by NEXPRESS, a company established and funded by Hyderabad and Kodak. Although the company’s first ALPHA digital press has been installed, sales are expected to reach a certain size in the second half of 2001 to the first half of 2002. At least in the technology of full-color printing, it is indeed a matter of time before digital printing becomes a reality, not just a technology aimed at the market.

When it comes to monochrome printing, the situation is somewhat different and the technology has been developing for quite some time. In fact, there are more and more manufacturers entering this market, and their market share is also growing. For example, Heidelberg believes that its DIGIMASTER 9110 model includes the INFOPRINT 2000 series sold by DANKA (North American and British office equipment vendors) and sold under the OEM agreement by IBM and the IMAGERUNNER 110 model now sold by Canon Inc. At the end of the year, it will reach 2,000 units. IMAGERUNNER 110 will be available in the first quarter of next year and will be part of Canon's plan to enter the UK printing market. Prior to this, there was the CLC5000, a 50-ppm-resolution color press that was launched in the United States. Claiming to be cheaper than Xerox's DOCUCOLOR2000.

Direct imaging offset presses are also making progress. The Pax DI model jointly developed by Presstek and Adast and the 3404DI four-color machine (A3 format printer co-developed by Presstek and Ryobi) entered the market. Although it was not known when Xerox began selling digital presses, Ry-Offset Graphics, a British-based agent in the UK, hopes to deliver the model in the spring. By the way, a fourth reel roller was added to the machine, shortening the process by about 1-4.5 minutes.

At the same time, Karat Digital Press announced that its 74 Karat press has undergone a long-term brewing stage and can now be commercialized. The company's president, Mr. Bob, explained that the printing press is quite complicated and we need time to inspect every part of the machine.

Karat was also the first to introduce a waterless inkless ink system, but it also required a considerable amount of time and effort to achieve practical level and stability requirements. However, Mr. Bebe said: "We have been able to register within the first ten sheets and achieve the best print quality." He also said: "We think testing is the way to get a lot of information. We already have all we need." Data, part of the program has been completed.Now, our main effort is to demonstrate this machine to more customers and open sales.

The company plans to add some options next year, including glazing, coating (laminating) units, so that before the next Gluuba exhibition, there will be a model that is not limited to four-color printing.

Other news from direct imaging presses published by Gruba included the A3 format TRUEPRESS 544 A3 format of Dainippon Screens that has entered the second stage of testing. This includes two machines installed in the United Kingdom. Screens of the TurePress 744 B2 format machine were field tested in Japan. Before the end of the second quarter of 2001, they should be used by screen companies in Milton, England. Komori also arranged a voluntary software tester for its 8-color digital press design, and it expects to install the machine in early 2001 and deliver it later.

The Komori machines use the Squarespot DOP imaging system from CreoScitex, similar to Roland's DICOWEB direct imaging printing system. The first press to use this technology is expected to be installed at the factory in Stuttgart, Germany, after the Christmas season at the printer in Nusbonm. Ten more machines will be put into use in the next two years. In the UK, the Dicoweb direct imaging printing system was ordered by Impac Group and Wyndeham Printing Company. After this, the Dicoweb presses are eager to enter the serial production stage.

The press now uses thermal transfer belt technology for imaging, but CreoScitex's SP unprinted technology will be used in the future. It uses a fluid lithographic material and is imaged by a laser on a thin coating on the surface of the material. This plate was demonstrated at the Chicago Print Show in September through a reproducible base mounted on a plate cylinder. . Although only monochrome work is currently being printed on four-color printing presses, the company says it will take two years to make it a practical commodity. In addition, 2002 may be close to the actual time of entering the digital printing era. Ipex 2002 will truly become a watershed for digital printing.

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