Taiwan’s waste paper imports dropped significantly in 2001

In 2001, the total volume of foreign waste paper in the Taiwan region of China was 997,905 metric tons, which was 40% less than in 2000. The total value of imports was US$82,089,036, a decrease of 44% from 2000. Taiwan’s waste paper imports in 2001 were not only the year after 1998, when imports of waste paper were 999,220 tons, but another import volume was less than one million tons, and it was the volume of waste paper imported since 1986. The lowest record.

In terms of waste paper imports, in 2001, 385,948 tons of waste paper was imported from North America, which represented a decrease of 52% compared with 2000. The import volume was lower than that of Europe for the first time. The main reason was that the quotation was higher in the region, and paper mills considered natural reduction based on cost. Import volume.

The amount of waste paper imported from the European region was 388,078 tons, which was 8% lower than in 2000. Since last year's waste paper imports exceeded the North American region for the first time in this region, it indicates that the waste paper source in the European region has become a priority choice for the island's paper mills. Sex gradually deepens.

Imported waste paper from Japan and other regions was 223,879 tons, an increase of 106% compared to 2000. The main reason is that Japan's waste paper offers are cheap, so it is popular among paper mills on the island.

In terms of the classification of waste paper, in 2001, the import volume of old corrugated box waste paper (OCC) was 614,853 tons, that of other waste paper (Mixed Paper) was 177,746 tons, that of old newspapers (ONP) 91,928 tons, and that of deinking paper 21,182 tons. 49,415 tons of waste kraft paper; 38,824 tons of magazine paper; 3,957 tons of pulp and paper.

The drastic reduction in Taiwan's waste paper imports in 2001 shows that the industrial paper market in the island is in a downturn. Although the import price of waste paper decreased by an overall 44%, which is helpful for the reduction of the raw material costs of the paper mills, the price of industrial paper on the island has been in a downturn, making it almost impossible for the paper mill to make profits last year. The situation is very distressed.

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