Volvo Develops B Series Motor Grader

The main improvement of the Volvo B series motor is the Volvo engine with a displacement of 7.1 to 9.6L. This type of engine has a smooth torque curve in the main operating speed section, allowing the equipment to perform fine leveling operations at slow speeds and adapt to poorly-conditioned site operations. The machine uses a variable plunger hydraulic pump to increase the responsiveness of the hydraulic system. The engine cooling system uses hydraulically driven fans to meet stringent temperature requirements and reduce noise and fuel consumption. The series has 7 models, machine weight 14062 ~ 19.505t.

Nabota 100unit

Nabota 100Unit,Nabota Botulinum,Nabota Botulinum Toxin,Nabota 100/200 Units

Shijiazhuang Asa Technology Co., Ltd. ,