Allowable concentration of toluene and xylene in air and detection method

1. Topic content and scope of application
This standard specifies the allowable concentration of toluene or xylene in gravure workshops and the detection method. Suitable for gravure printing with toluene or xylene as the ink diluent, but also for other workshops using toluene and xylene.
2. Reference standards
GB 9851 Printing Technology Terms
TJ 36 industrial enterprise design health standards
GB 11737 Standard method for the sanitary inspection of benzene, toluene and xylene in the air of residential areas by gas chromatography.
3. The allowable concentrations of toluene and xylene are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Name of hazardous substance Maximum allowable concentration mg/m3 Toluene 100 Xylene 100

4. Detection
4.1 Sampling conditions
4.1.1 Sampling in normal production. At least three samples were taken for each workplace and the arithmetic average was taken.
4.1.2 The sampling position should be at the height of the breathing zone of the worker. If it is a mobile post, it is necessary to select the sample of the work place where the workers stay longer.
4.1.3 The sampling instrument must maintain a good working condition and the flowmeter should be calibrated on time (calibration once a year). The sampling must be observed at any time, maintain the necessary flow, accurate timing, while measuring the temperature and atmospheric pressure.
4.1.4 Tested once every six months. Test whenever necessary.
4.2 sampling and detection methods

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