The goal of the team leader is to help everyone complete a safe, enjoyable and successful outdoor journey, while maintaining the original appearance of the outdoors environment as much as possible. The leader must have experience and professional skills should be suitable for this outdoor nature, but it does not have to be the most experienced one in the team, nor necessarily the most popular.
The physical ability of the leader must be able to keep up with everyone's footsteps, but it does not necessarily have to be the strongest one in the team. However, the leader must have excellent judgment and non-rich common sense, and sincerely for the sake of the entire team, the team leader may also play a variety of roles along the way, such as:
1. Security Defenders: The biggest concern of all outdoor teams is security, and security must be taken into account from the planning stage. The team leader should make sure everyone has the right equipment, experience and physical fitness, and the route chosen is overall Difficult and easy and safe. If players are tired, lost patience, excited, and inexperienced, they will be careless. The team leader will regard this situation as a warning to alert him, pay attention to observations, and remind him to speak up. If necessary, he may even constantly raise his face. If the outdoor team must make a difficult decision, for example because of the weather or the time must be returned, this kind of hard-to-get talk often leads the team leader to open early so that the situation does not become critical.
2. Planners: If a group wants to complete a successful outdoor trip with a proper place, I must pay attention to details. Although it is not necessary for the team leader to draft all the plans himself, he must be responsible for supervision and make sure that all necessary preparations are carried out.
3. Experts: It is a very important role for the leader to ask questions when someone asks questions or needs advice. Training, experience, and other abilities are all prerequisites for doing this. To be a good leader, you don't have to be the best person in the team's outdoor skills, but you will certainly need enough experience to develop an outdoor mind. In addition to outdoor expertise, many other skills are needed. The team leader should know how much equipment, adventure, first aid, rescue, and climate are known.
4. Teachers: If the accompanying players are inexperienced, teaching outdoor skills becomes part of the leader's role. Usually this is an occasional suggestion or demonstration. However, if some players lack security skills to perform the necessary skills, they may be temporarily suspended. At that time, it would be wise for them to attend classes on the spot. Many outdoor experts have found that when they teach their hard-won knowledge, they have a sense of accomplishment, but they should also be careful when teaching. Those newcomers may feel embarrassed because of their poor skills, or they may be deterred by the actual dangerous shrimp. This is not the time for blowing cows. It's better not to point to others and say, "You're not right." You should say, "I think it's useful to me." I'll show it to you, but if someone makes a dangerous move it is With exceptions, direct local guidance is necessary at this time.
5. Coach: This role is slightly different from the teacher. In addition to teaching knowledge, coaches should also add encouragement and encouragement to help everyone overcome difficulties. Who hasn't had a bad luck or is faced with a difficult time? The real difficulty is often one's confidence. Helping peers overcome difficulties not only helps him personally, but also allows the team to move forward smoothly. When you become a coach and you need to be effective in helping others to maximize their strength, watching them smile is a special joy in the team leader process.
6. The first proponent: The outdoor process is a series of decisions: When should we get up? When to set off? These decisions are often not difficult to handle, but they must be made in a timely manner. For the answers to these questions, the team leader does not necessarily have to do it arbitrarily. Instead, he can put these issues to public discussion at an appropriate time.
7. Arbitrator: Once the discussion begins, divergent views will emerge. It is good to brainstorm ideas and openly discuss everyone’s opinions, but it may also lead to indecision and indecision: Should we choose which way to go? Or cause controversy, like: You are wrong! Any person who assumes a leadership role, whether formally appointed or not, has a certain weight and can play a role in this situation. If the decision of the outdoors seems to have made a technical mistake or is very dangerous; if everyone gets angry, or if the discussion has always been indifferent, it can often be resolved by the leader’s words and progress.
8, the defender of the environment: the outdoor person must do his best to make the outdoor environment is not damaged, so that later talent can enjoy the same fun. Leaders should lead by example. The behavior of behavior and the use of skills should have a lower impact on the environment. If the other team members do not listen, they should be reminded again that they can talk at the beginning and insist on it if necessary.
The physical ability of the leader must be able to keep up with everyone's footsteps, but it does not necessarily have to be the strongest one in the team. However, the leader must have excellent judgment and non-rich common sense, and sincerely for the sake of the entire team, the team leader may also play a variety of roles along the way, such as:
1. Security Defenders: The biggest concern of all outdoor teams is security, and security must be taken into account from the planning stage. The team leader should make sure everyone has the right equipment, experience and physical fitness, and the route chosen is overall Difficult and easy and safe. If players are tired, lost patience, excited, and inexperienced, they will be careless. The team leader will regard this situation as a warning to alert him, pay attention to observations, and remind him to speak up. If necessary, he may even constantly raise his face. If the outdoor team must make a difficult decision, for example because of the weather or the time must be returned, this kind of hard-to-get talk often leads the team leader to open early so that the situation does not become critical.
2. Planners: If a group wants to complete a successful outdoor trip with a proper place, I must pay attention to details. Although it is not necessary for the team leader to draft all the plans himself, he must be responsible for supervision and make sure that all necessary preparations are carried out.
3. Experts: It is a very important role for the leader to ask questions when someone asks questions or needs advice. Training, experience, and other abilities are all prerequisites for doing this. To be a good leader, you don't have to be the best person in the team's outdoor skills, but you will certainly need enough experience to develop an outdoor mind. In addition to outdoor expertise, many other skills are needed. The team leader should know how much equipment, adventure, first aid, rescue, and climate are known.
4. Teachers: If the accompanying players are inexperienced, teaching outdoor skills becomes part of the leader's role. Usually this is an occasional suggestion or demonstration. However, if some players lack security skills to perform the necessary skills, they may be temporarily suspended. At that time, it would be wise for them to attend classes on the spot. Many outdoor experts have found that when they teach their hard-won knowledge, they have a sense of accomplishment, but they should also be careful when teaching. Those newcomers may feel embarrassed because of their poor skills, or they may be deterred by the actual dangerous shrimp. This is not the time for blowing cows. It's better not to point to others and say, "You're not right." You should say, "I think it's useful to me." I'll show it to you, but if someone makes a dangerous move it is With exceptions, direct local guidance is necessary at this time.
5. Coach: This role is slightly different from the teacher. In addition to teaching knowledge, coaches should also add encouragement and encouragement to help everyone overcome difficulties. Who hasn't had a bad luck or is faced with a difficult time? The real difficulty is often one's confidence. Helping peers overcome difficulties not only helps him personally, but also allows the team to move forward smoothly. When you become a coach and you need to be effective in helping others to maximize their strength, watching them smile is a special joy in the team leader process.
6. The first proponent: The outdoor process is a series of decisions: When should we get up? When to set off? These decisions are often not difficult to handle, but they must be made in a timely manner. For the answers to these questions, the team leader does not necessarily have to do it arbitrarily. Instead, he can put these issues to public discussion at an appropriate time.
7. Arbitrator: Once the discussion begins, divergent views will emerge. It is good to brainstorm ideas and openly discuss everyone’s opinions, but it may also lead to indecision and indecision: Should we choose which way to go? Or cause controversy, like: You are wrong! Any person who assumes a leadership role, whether formally appointed or not, has a certain weight and can play a role in this situation. If the decision of the outdoors seems to have made a technical mistake or is very dangerous; if everyone gets angry, or if the discussion has always been indifferent, it can often be resolved by the leader’s words and progress.
8, the defender of the environment: the outdoor person must do his best to make the outdoor environment is not damaged, so that later talent can enjoy the same fun. Leaders should lead by example. The behavior of behavior and the use of skills should have a lower impact on the environment. If the other team members do not listen, they should be reminded again that they can talk at the beginning and insist on it if necessary.
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