The following examples are explained by Figures 1 and 2, illustrating the payment process in terms of the relevant components: Electronic Wallet (IEP), Terminal (PDA) and Security Module (PSAM) in the terminal.
Figure 1. Possible key derivation process for the EN 1546 electronic wallet system (the key relies on a combination of a generation of private keys transmitted to the card and a session-specific transaction counter, such that the resulting key can be used to complete payment or lending money)
When the card has been inserted into the terminal, the terminal performs a reset to request -ATR from both the PSAM and the IEP, and if one of the ATRs does not satisfy the expected value, the terminal cancels the payment process. If the ATR satisfies the expected value, the terminal selects the DF of the wallet in the IEP. If the file selection cannot be performed, the process will also be canceled. However, for the sake of clarity, these two points and general error handling are not described.
After selecting the wallet DF in the IEP card, the terminal sends an initialization command for shopping, the INITIALIZE IEPoIEP card receives the command, the value-added transaction counter generates a signature for each data element (S1), and then sends the data and the signature to the terminal.
Second, the terminal PSAM sends the initialization command INITIALIZE PSAM for shopping. This command directly forwards the data received from the card to the PSAM. PSAM checks these data, which means that the end date (DEXPIEp), currency (CURRIEp), encryption algorithm used (ALGIEp), and other received data are compared to the values ​​stored in PSAM, if all comparisons are successful. The transaction counter (NTIEP) is incremented. If any comparison fails (for example, the end date of the IEP has arrived), further command processing is immediately cancelled and transmitted to the terminal (PDA) with an appropriate loopback code.
Figure 2 Payment transaction process with electronic wallet (IEP) and terminal (PDA) and security module (PSAM) according to EN 1546
The PSAM then uses the data sent by the IEP to generate a derived key and generate a session key, and checks the signature. If the signature is correct, all transmitted data is true, and at the same time the IEP has been identified for PSAM. In other words, 15.4M knows that the e-wallet contained in the card is true.
Figure 1 above shows a possible key derivation process in the e-wallet system in the EN 1546 standard. The key thus derived can be used to complete the payment process described in FIG. 2.
In the next step, the PSAM also generates a signature (S3) which is sent to the terminal with a small number of additional data elements. The amount to be paid (MPDA) and the currency used are now in the terminal. Thus, the terminal transmits the entered amount and the data previously received from the PSAM to the card with the command DEBIT IEP, and the card now checks if there is enough money in the wallet to complete the payment. If so, the signature is verified. If the signature is correct, the data has not been tampered with during transmission, so the PSAM is also verified by the IEP. This is because only the real PSAM can grasp the secret key necessary to generate the signature island. The appropriate amount is subtracted from the wallet's balance, the log file is updated and a third signature is generated (S3) to confirm that the lending transaction has been executed.
The signature S3 and the loan amount are transmitted to the PSAM via the terminal, which verifies S3. If the signature is correct, the amount borrowed in the IEP is added to an internal data element (MTOTpSAM). Another order, "PSAM Shopping Completed", adds MTOTpSAM to the Wallet BalanceTM to update the PSAM balance. Finally, the PSAM receives a signature (S3) confirming that the payment has been successfully completed.
The above process is a very simple example of the various payment processes described in EN 1546. There are other possibilities, including a quick lending process for the calling card, and a list of receipts to be generated at the end of the transaction.
The above documents, commands and procedures for cards are also specified for all other important system components. The most important is for security modules because the security of the system is uniquely dependent on this module. Statistical methods can be used to monitor the operation of the entire system, and in the case of large applications, it could contain tens of thousands of terminals and hundreds of thousands of smart cards. Producing a complete account for each individual card will contradict the unnamed requirements and require an extremely large amount of computation. However, as demonstrated by experiments, the verification of the security of the entire system enables the use of sampling checks to monitor currency flow on an operational basis (at an acceptable cost).
The European EN 1546 standard lays the foundation for a multi-zone smart card e-wallet system. When the standard was introduced, it included almost all the processes and functions in use. Only one feature has not been described so far, but it is very important for the user of the card. This is the wallet-to-wallet transaction, which is to transfer the electronic money directly from one wallet to another.
In the EN 1546 standard, there is currently no description of this type of transfer. However, various groups are trying to include such payment transactions in the standard.
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