Packaging design color

In the modern consumer market, the effect of color in the packaging of goods has a decisive role in improving the marketability of goods. The successful use of color can give the consumer a very deep first impression, thus creating a desire to purchase.

As a packaging designer, not only should have the knowledge and performance skills of painting chromatics, but also have the knowledge and performance skills of color packaging for commodity packaging. As far as the laws of color are concerned, the use of color in packaging design has something in common with painting, but it is more specific. The use of color in paintings focuses on the color-light pattern of objects, and it is highly realistic and multi-colored. In addition to the use of color in interior design, it generally focuses on the combination of color blocks and lines. Emphasize the sense of form, use more primary colors. In order to achieve the purpose of publicizing, beautifying, and promoting products, designers must use the features of modern consumer society, the characteristics of goods, and sales targets as the main basis for the purpose of advertising, beautifying, and promoting products. At the same time, they must consider the unification of the sales process. Effects and visual effects in use. When a painter creates a work, he is free to choose the object of depiction and emphasizes the individuality of freedom according to his personal preferences. However, in a product packaging design that promotes the promotion of goods and entertains customers, the designers are much more limited than painting. The use of color must avoid arbitrariness. While respecting the objects to be promoted and beautified, attention must be paid to meeting the requirements of ordinary people for their colors and customs. At the same time, it must have sociological and psychological knowledge. People have feelings, touch the scene, touch can all have their own feelings. The so-called color sense, that is, the color of people through the visual impression produced by a sense of association. Someone once had done this kind of experiment: Put the same yellow tangy watermelon juice in two cups, one with a red food coloring agent, and the other with a pale yellow juice. Then ask some people to taste it. As a result, most people think that red sweetness is thicker than yellow. In a sense, the color of food packaging gives people a sense of color that can also affect the taste of the product. In terms of design, the yellow-based color gives people a feeling of palace south and crispness. It is used in food packaging design and can induce people to produce cream, pastries, and pineapple. Citrus, like the sweet fragrance. Tea, to be used, is a product package that is a color, which is mainly composed of such questions, and can induce people to have rich flavors such as creamy chocolate and coffee. In daily necessities and clothing, rejuvenation gives a sense of warmth and coldness. Such as orange red makes people feel jealous and warm; blue, purple, green makes people feel cool. Silent, green gives people a sense of youthfulness, freshness, and cleanliness; blackness often gives people a feeling of mourning and gloomy, but it is one of the important questions in the use of color in packaging design. Especially in recent years, the role of black and white in packaging design has become more and more significant. The use of color types is not necessarily a lot, and the stacking effect of a variety of colors is not necessarily good. The generally experienced designers have made it possible to take advantage of money, such as gold. Japan's specjalage whisky's funding design, with white as the bottom, decorated with purple, red two colors, with less color, hue and light and dark contrast effect is strong, prominent, giving a clean, clean feeling.

In short, the success of commodity packaging design, the use of its color is an extremely important determinant. The successful design of commodity packaging is a natural science for designers. Social science, commodity science. Psychology, aesthetics, ergonomics, and other highly concentrated manifestations of knowledge.

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