Teach you how to choose the right rope Read more>>

Whether it is rock climbing, climbing or upstream activities such as the river, the rope is an essential equipment. Let us now recognize the rope so that we can purchase the right one in the future.

Recognize the type of rope

Low Elongation VS. Dynamic:

The low elasticity rope only provides a slight extension, and is generally used for activities such as cave exploration, rappelling, and transportation that cannot occur over long distances. Low-elasticity ropes can also be used in Top-Rope climbing, but in the activity it must be noted that the rope between the climber and the ensurer must not be too loose.

The stretch of elastic rope can absorb and dissipate most of the climber's kinetic energy generated when it falls, so as not to let the climber bear a large impact force. Rock climbers must use elastic ropes to ensure the work when taking the vanguard style of climbing.

Single rope VS. Double rope VS. Twin rope (Single VS. Double VS. Twin Rope):

The diameter of the single rope is from 9.8mm to 11mm, and the label of the rope head will be marked [1], indicating that it is possible to use a single rope in the climbing activity, connect the climber and ensure the system, suitable for use in the vertical climbing route or only some Small winding route. Single ropes can be subdivided into two categories.


Mainly used in more difficult, but it will not twist too much of the sport climbing, free climbing route. Because of its light weight, it is easier to hang a lanyard or pass through holes in some equipment.


Suitable for free climbing, all sport climbing routes, and group teaching. Because it is (bravely durable), and the thicker rope is easier to hold when ensuring and rappelling. However, an 11mm, 50m rope will be 15%-30% heavier than a 10mm, 50m rope.

Half-strand refers to a rope with a diameter of 9mm, and the tail-tail patch will be expressed as [1/2] for two simultaneous uses. Suitable for difficult, long-distance crossing or twisting routes. The two ropes have their own fixed points, equal to two different systems, connected to one vanguard and one (or two) surety. The use of half ropes is complicated and cumbersome, especially for only one sure person, because he must operate two ropes separately. The advantage is that if the leader wants to hang a rope at a difficult place, if he falls, because the other is tightened, it can reduce the distance to fall; on the crossing route, it can reduce the degree of swing of the second fall; Two ropes are available.

Double rope refers to using two thin ropes (diameter 8mm-8.8mm) as a single rope, and two ropes are hung in the same fixed point. Ensuring that the person must operate both ropes is because they are operated at the same time, unlike the half rope. Double rope can absorb more falling force than single rope, and withstand more falling; moreover, the weight is light and the lanyard is more convenient. Even if one of the ropes is cut off by the corner of the rock, there is another one that can pull the climber, but instead of continuing to climb, the surety will hang him down. In addition, when a dangerous terrain with long distances may be encountered on a climbing route, an 8mm-8.8mm rope would be suitable when a rope is needed.

Note: When purchasing double ropes, in addition to color, you must choose two ropes that are the same size, length, and brand. Because different brands or different types of ropes are used together, one of the ropes is particularly vulnerable to wear and increases the risk of use.

Waterproof rope VS. Non-dry Rope:

Waterproof ropes usually have a DRY mark and it is 15%-25% more expensive than a normal rope!

"Waterproofing" is certainly not a propaganda trick, but it is necessary, especially for upstream activities and ice and snow activities. When a rope is saturated with water, it loses its elasticity in addition to being heavy, and its ability to absorb falling forces is therefore reduced. If it is cold in winter, it is also easy to freeze and becomes stiff and hard to operate like a cable. The waterproof treated rope can effectively reduce the speed of water absorption and improve the safety and convenience of use. Moreover, the surface of the rope is relatively smooth, and it is less likely to be scratched by the rough rock surface, and the operation is also convenient, but the surface water repellent gradually fails with use. In addition, the tightness of the rope skin on the strength of the rope resistance is no less than whether to do waterproof treatment, weaving too loose or loose skin due to use, the water resistance is naturally discounted. If you only plan to do "dry" rock climbing, you don't need to spend more money on waterproof ropes.

The dry rope seems to be harder than the average climbing rope. Be careful. Knotting and securing will be very difficult. It is best to pick a rope with a middle mark, such as two halves with different styles (the pattern will be different) or a middle colored mark. This is very good for mastering the length of the rope. Mastering the length will make it much easier for you to operate, such as when you are grouping. Some ropes (do not remember the brand) are designed to be soft and easy to knot at 1 meter at both ends, and the other parts are hard wearing.

Consider the basic data of the rope itself

Structure: The climbing rope is composed of a "kern" and a "mantle" called Kern mantle. The inner rope core is the main part of the rope to bear the strength. The outer rope skin is tightly woven around the rope core to prevent the rope core from being worn when the rope is used. Different ropes have different rope-skin weaving methods that affect the durability of the rope and the feel of the touch. Some rope climbing styles are changed to another style after the middle point of the rope, making it easier for climbers or descenders to find the middle point of the rope.

Diameter: In general, the thicker the diameter of the rope, the better its strength and durability.

Length: The longer the rope, the greater the pitch or rappelling height that can be climbed. At present, the length of the main climbing rope in the market is mainly 50, 5560 meters. The rope is long and the weight increases. The same diameter diameter, 60 meters is 20% more than 50 meters, 25% more expensive, but also more space. However, it is usually the case that people who have used a 55-meter or 60-meter rope rarely return to 50 meters.

Softness: The softness of a rope can affect the ease of handling and use of knots. Some people prefer a soft rope, because it is easy to use a knot, but when the rope is stressed, the knot becomes more difficult to unlock. Some people prefer soft, hard ropes, which can easily pass through different climbing equipment, and the knots are easy to untie.

Even the best rope should be used and maintained with care because the rope cannot be repaired.

Try not to lend your rope to others unless you want to climb with him. Also do not use other people's ropes, because you may not understand the actual conditions of this rope.

Every rope should have its use record. Buy a booklet, start by buying it, and make a simple record after each use. For example: whether the appearance of abnormalities, how many times to withstand the fall, how the fall situation, whether it has been pulled over rough or sharp terrain, with or without anyone stepped on (this is particularly important when climbing upstream and ice and snow climbing); shackles, Whether there is abrasion on the surface of the 8-character ring or ATC (they will damage the rope skin). These records will give you more control over the condition of the rope.

When using a rope, try not to let it touch the ground. It is better to place it on a rope bag that can be fully leveled to reduce the chance of gravel running into the rope. Whether you wear socks or bare feet, do not step on the rope. This will allow some grit particles that are not easily visible to the naked eye to penetrate the rope and slowly cut the sheath or core fibers as they are used. In addition, be very careful when wearing crampons, do not step on the rope, because the surface of the rope can not see the scars, the nylon fiber inside may have been cut.

Try to avoid pulling the rope over rough or sharp terrain. When used as a descent, it is best to wrap the part of the rope in contact with the corner of the rock with a cloth or a rope cover. The rope cannot pass through the hanging piece, the fixing point, the flat belt, etc., and rubbing against these things hurts the rope. Do not hook two ropes into the same shackle (except for twin ropes) because the ropes grind each other.

Do not tie the rope to the tree. It is not good for the rope and the tree. Climbing in wet or icy areas (eg climbing uphill or snow and ice) should use a waterproof treated rope. Wet ropes have reduced strength and wear out.

To fall properly, do not learn the method in the movie. The temperature produced by the high speed drop will destroy the rope skin; the jumping down will cause a very large and unnecessary load on the fixed point and the rope. If it is a large number of people, it is best to drop in batches, with at least 5 minutes between each batch. Climbing easily hurts the rope.

Check the rope after each use. The best inspection tool is your hand, which is sensitive to the anomaly on the rope. If the place is suddenly flattened, it may feel different from the thickness of the other places, or if a certain period is particularly slack. Locks, 8-rings, ATC, risers These devices that will directly contact the rope must also be inspected. If there is wear or abnormal protrusions on their surfaces, the rope will be damaged.

Carefully use the maintenance cord

Basically, the rope does not need to be washed, but it should be noted that it should be dry, and it should not be exposed to sunlight. Beware of chemicals (battery fluid, etc.). Use up to tidy up, keep it clean, and use mats for better padding. Do not step on the rope.

If the rope is used for climbing upstream or climbing on ice and snow, this kind of dirty place will cause the rope to get dirty. Use a soft brush to brush gently. Change the water several times, wash away the stains, spread it on the ground or hang it up and let it dry naturally in a cool, ventilated place. Can not use dryer, hair dryer.

Is your rope changing?

The new rope is soft and easy to handle, but it gradually hardens with the elastic wear caused by use, which means that it has been fully used. And when you think it's going to be soft again, it means that it is already "weak" and it's time to retire. Occasionally (about once every two weeks), should be replaced after 4 years; used every weekend, eliminated after 2 years; used 2-3 times a week, usually repeated short distances when trying to climb in the vanguard Situation, about six months or months will be replaced with new ropes. For severe crashes, as soon as a fall factor of nearly 2 occurs, it should be replaced immediately. If it is suddenly flattened out and is particularly soft, or the rope skin breaks out, it is best to stop using it.

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