Six points of finishing after finishing

The key to the hardcover process is how to securely bond the book block to the hard case and produce books that can be stored for long periods of time. Although the cost and time spent on adhesive bonding hardcover seems to be somewhat out of proportion to the digital printing for the short-run printing market

Only carefully designed and arranged for India and India at the beginning can we ensure the consistency of printing and postpress processing. In production, the following points should be noted:

1. folding

Since the ink color material on the digital print only adheres to the surface of the paper, the folding process is easily broken. Therefore, it is best to press the folds before folding.

2. Lamination

Laminating the surface of digital prints, especially after printing a large area on the ground, will be helpful for the protection of printed materials in post-press processing, especially during cutting or packaging. . It is not necessarily beneficial to apply a single-sided film to a double-sided print, because one side of the uncoated film may be more susceptible to peeling of the printed toner due to friction.

3. Saddle stitch

Saddle stitching is a good choice for most digital prints and is particularly suitable for the binding of thinner books such as guides, booklets and brochures. The binding method is economical and practical, and can be carried out online with other processing methods. Simultaneous post-press processing of folding, folding, binding, and online cutting can be performed, which can provide guarantee for fast delivery required by digital printing.

4. Flat order

When designing a flat-book, it is first important to note that there is enough room for binding between the order and the text. For example, if the O-spiral thread has a 3:1 ratio (3 holes per inch), you should leave 3/8 inch blank; and when the hole ratio is 2:1, leave a 1/2 inch blank. Most computer design programs do not consider slight changes in the thickness of paper after printing. In digital printing, color printing on the surface of a paper causes a change in the thickness of the printed sheet, and when several pages of digital printed sheets are bound, the cumulative thickness Changes may make the computer's carefully calculated binding size meaningless.

5. Wireless glue binding

As with adhesive offset printing, digital glue bindings also need to consider the amount of cutting. In addition to leaving a 1/8-inch back allowance on the back of the book, a 1/8-inch cutout is also required on the other three sides of the book. In addition, a 1/4-inch glue area should be left in the lower part of the book cover to prevent the glue from seeping into the next book in the binding process. The wireless glue binding process also requires printing of the bleeding cover should be larger than the size of the text. a little.

6. Wireless adhesive binding hardcover

The key to the hardcover process is how to securely bond the book block to the hard case and produce books that can be stored for long periods of time. Although the cost and time required for adhesive binding of wireless glue seem to be somewhat out of proportion to the digital printing for the short-run printing market, some post-print binding companies prefabricate different colors, styles, and differences commonly used in digital printing. The size of the hardcover bookcase is used by digital printers, so the adhesive binding of wireless glue has also become a common binding method for digital printing.

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