Many people do not realize that reducing paper waste is actually the biggest environmental action.
In the printing process, paper has the greatest impact on the environment, accounting for 90% of the total carbon dioxide emissions in printing production. Therefore, reducing paper waste has become the primary task of printing companies, which not only saves paper costs, but also improves the adverse impact on the environment.
Heidelberg has done a lot of research on reducing paper waste, and has developed and produced a number of products that can play a key role. Take a look at our paper saving heroes.
Inpress Control System (Inpress Control)
It is used to maximize productivity. Its most obvious function is that it can adjust color and register online without sampling inspection, so that it can quickly meet the requirements of the finished product, thereby minimizing the waste of offset paper. Basically, Prinect control system can save 300 ~ 350 sheets of paper per job (several hundreds of tons of paper can be saved every year), and the startup process is shortened by 8 to 12 minutes. At the same time, this system is also an effective tool to ensure quality. Continuous on-board testing and closed-loop correction ensure stable color settings throughout the production process.
Licai printing system
Can reduce up to 90% of offset paper! The short ink path inking device of this system is a great contribution to paper saving. Its revolutionary inking technology can achieve the required color value only after 40 sheets of start-up. For Zhang's start, Zhang said the savings were up to 80%. Combined with the printing color management PCM (developed by Heidelberg experts to perform system-level corrections on all printing-related processes), on the Speedmaster SM 52 with the Li Cai printing system, paper waste in the preparation stage can be reduced by 90%.
Crop Star
Cut the paper from the roll and adjust the paper size according to the actual length required. Saving only 1 mm on each piece of printed paper can save 4 tons of paper a year, which is equivalent to reducing 4.75 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. If the paper format differs greatly from the standard format, the savings will be even more substantial. If you choose to use the cutting star on the printing press, then using roll paper instead of a single sheet of paper can achieve substantial material cost savings.
Some products are notable in reducing energy consumption.
Speedmaster A series
It is the product with the lowest energy consumption and heat emission rating on the market. It uses a new generation of high-efficiency laser diode systems, integrated automation modules, advanced low-current components and modern cooling systems, which can save up to 80% of energy consumption.
Star series peripherals
The Air Supply Air Supply Unit is the only air supply system that uses high-efficiency, high-speed turbo radial blowers. It is developed internally by Heidelberg and has an energy efficiency of 70%, which is more than twice the energy efficiency of a traditional blower (30%). Especially on multi-color printing presses, generating the same amount of air can reduce energy consumption by at least half, which is a considerable benefit for small printing plants.
Dry star
When the glazing operation accounts for 60% of the printing production, it can save 40,000 to 60,000 kWh per year. This means a reduction of 29 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, or, by consuming the same amount of electrical energy, the operating speed of the printing press can be increased by 20% to 30%, and ultimately the carbon dioxide emissions per 1,000 sheets of paper can be reduced.
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