The basic type of color purity contrast

After two or more color combinations, the color contrast effect formed due to different purity is called purity contrast. It is another important aspect of color contrast, but it is easily concealed because it is more subtle and internal. In color design, purity contrast is the key to determining whether the color tone is gorgeous, elegant, primitive, vulgar, implied or not.
The strength of the contrast depends on the distance between the color and the color difference on the color difference. The longer the distance is, the stronger the contrast is, and vice versa.
If the gray to pure fresh color is divided into 10 equal-difference stages, 1-3 are usually designated as low-purity regions, 8-10 as high-purity regions, and 4-7 as medium-purity regions. When choosing a color combination, when the distance between the base color and the contrast color is 5 or more, it is called a strong contrast; when it is 3-5, it is called a middle contrast; when it is 1-2, it is called a weak contrast. Based on this, nine basic types of purity can be distinguished.
(1) Freshly emphasized, such as 10:8:1, it feels bright, lively, lively, gorgeous, and strong.
(2) Fresh middle notes, such as 10:8:5, are more stimulating and lively.
(3) Fresh and weak tone, such as 10:8:7, etc., because the color purity is high, the combination and comparison play a role of resisting and colliding with each other, so it feels glaring, tacky, naive, primitive and hot. If you are away from each other, this effect will be more pronounced and stronger.
(4) emphasizes such things as 4:6:10 or 7:5:1 and feels appropriate and popular.
(5) Middle and middle notes, such as 4:6:8 or 7:6:3, are mild, static, and comfortable.
(6) Weak tone, such as 4:5:6, feels flat, ambiguous, and monotonous.
(7) Gray emphasizes 1:3:10, etc. It feels generous, elegant and lively.
(8) The gray tone is 1:3:6, etc., feeling mutual, quiet, and larger.
(9) Grayish tone, such as 1:3:4, feels elegant, delicate, patience, subtle, envy, and weak.
In addition, there is a weakest achromatic contrast, such as white: black, dark gray: light gray, etc. Since the purity of the contrasting colors is zero, it feels very generous, solemn, elegant, simple.


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