In a dry environment, excessive cleansing can cause skin loss due to skin loss. Mild "chicken skin" symptoms keep your skin dry and dry than anything else. More severe cases may be due to genetic or thyroid dysfunction or vitamin A deficiency, you can seek medical help, use some vitamin A medicinal care products.
How to prevent chicken skin
There is always a variety of coping strategies for every kind of skin problem. Chicken skin is no exception. If you are still troubled by this, you may want to learn the correct method and solve it with Xiaobian. From then on, say goodbye to chicken skin.
1, exfoliation
Hair follicle keratosis is caused by abnormal accumulation of keratin, so exfoliation is the best solution. Keeping the horniness near the hair follicle at a normal thickness, there will be no rough protrusions. Although keratinization is related to keratin, it is not advisable to exfoliate excessively, especially in areas where the follicular keratosis is more serious, and it is even more unsuitable for sputum to avoid folliculitis; if the keratosis of the pores is combined with folliculitis, low dose can be used. Steroids control inflammation, and then with creams such as vitamin A or salicylic acid, can be treated for several months, can be significantly improved, if the skin is not healthy, "chicken skin" to harass you, this is a big problem.
2, moisturizing hydration
First of all, control your water temperature, whether it is to wash your face or take a bath, the temperature of the overheated water will only make the symptoms of "chicken skin" worse and worse. Secondly, it is moisturizing and hydrating. Drying will aggravate the bad symptoms of the skin. If you want your skin to be healthy and beautiful, don't forget to moisturize.
With the help of the countermeasures, you don't have to worry about the skin of the chicken. You can boldly expose your perfect skin this summer.
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