The real skin is whitening from the inside out, not only has external modifications, but also adds more natural elements to the body. The following eight kinds of natural skincare food, so you eat white served good skin.
1, the natural moisturizing effect of mandarin
The citrus citrus is very valuable, especially its seeds are more prominent. The main component of the sticky substance on the surface is pectin, which is a dietary fiber. It has a strong ability to absorb water and retain moisture, and has a natural moisturizing effect. In addition, the anti-oxidant substances such as flavonoids and catechins in the seeds can prevent the formation of dark spots on the surface of the skin, and the citric acid and fruit acid contained in the seeds can also eliminate excess keratin.
2, avocado to prevent water loss
Avocado, also known as avocado, is a very nutritious fruit, especially rich in vitamin E, protein, unsaturated fatty acids and folic acid. The flesh is soft and rich, often made into salads, or sauces. Regular consumption helps to improve anemia and prevent high blood pressure. At the same time, the avocado's pulp is often used to make a natural mask to moisturize and soften the skin. It is also a very gentle and efficient moisturizer. Compared with other vegetable oils, its biggest advantage is that its composition is similar to that of natural sebum membranes, so it can instantly repair damaged parts of the skin and prevent water loss. Its nature is very mild, and it has the characteristics of being moist, not greasy and easy to absorb. Avocado oil can be safely used in sensitive and vulnerable parts such as the eyes and lips.
3, guava supplement cell power
Guava, also known as guava, is rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C and iron are especially abundant. Its rich sugar and carbohydrates provide abundant energy for the body. Similarly, guava can also replenish skin cells: vitamin C has anti-oxidant and brighten skin tone, polysaccharide is a good moisturizer, and the tropical flavor is unique. A vibrate.
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