Shanghai Qiaoyue Electronics Co., Ltd. believes that in the long-term use and practice, the following matters must be noted when using a nitrogen blower:
(1) Do not use the nitrogen blower for materials with a flash point below 100 ° C.
(2) When using a nitrogen blower, hands and eyes should be protected.
(3) The nitrogen blower should be used in a fume hood to ensure good ventilation.
(4) Do not move the nitrogen blower during heating to prevent burns.
(5) Use a three-wire grounded power supply.
(6) Do not open the shell of the water bath with power on to prevent electric shock.
(7) The maintenance of the nitrogen blower should be performed by professionals. Improper replacement of components may cause damage to the nitrogen blower or cause safety hazards.
(8) Do not use nitrogen blower for highly flammable substances like petroleum ether.
(9) Do not use acidic or alkaline substances, otherwise the nitrogen blower will be damaged.
The advantages of Silicone utensils compared with the Nylon Utensils are those silicone has bigger range of heat resistant, which is -60°C to 240°C, it is innocuous, tasteless, thicker and more stable. The silicone utensils are located in high quality kitchen tools markets, along with the silicone products are more and more popular today, the silicone utensils become hotter and hotter.
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Fortary Industry&Trading Co., Ltd. , https://www.kitchenset.de