Pencils are an indispensable tool for beginners to draw. They often see art students holding pencils and pencils at the riverside, under the bridge, and at the junction of the mountains to describe their careers and arts with pencils. , slowly touching the door of the art hall with a pencil, you can finally pick up the brush, use a colored springboard to draw out the true colors of the world, and restore the thoughts that they most want to express, while those drawn with a pencil, though with a single color, However, it still gives us a feeling of sensation in our heart. Let's put a few sketches of foreign students below. If I admit it wrong, I'm sorry to ask you to correct me.
This old man should be Mr. Sean Connery, who has appeared in more than 007 positions.
Looked like Brad Pitt at the time of Burning Time.
Converse shoes drawn with a pencil are enough to be real.
The same pencil, drawing different styles of Angelina Jolie.
This majestic lion is like a high-definition camera.
Jack Nicholson with "Fly Over Asylum" expression.
Like a demeanor Meg Ryan.
The majestic eagle.
Although you can't see it, you can still imagine the blond Madonna flying high.
Is this Livi Taylor who fades out of the film? !
This photo of Britney's sweet is really sweet.
Source of this article, WeChat public number: Tuwenyihua
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