Long-distance journeys sometimes have to camp in the wild, a complex outdoor environment, a high temperature difference between day and night, in order to get a good night's sleep, to ensure their own safety camping must choose their own.
Tent camping
Tent camping is the main camping method for outdoor activities such as field trips and climbing adventures. It is also worthy of active camping. Its characteristics are first and foremost close to nature. There is no way to get closer to nature than sleeping tents. Think of the earth beneath you instead of Simmons, the steel wire bed, and the concrete floor. Opening the door is everything in nature, without any concrete. The building blocks your sight. This is the real return to nature. Second, it is a safe home. As long as there are three square meters of flat land under the foot, you can take the "home" enough for two people, and one can The lightest tent is only about 1 kilogram. As long as it is near it, there is a house that shades, shelters, and shelters from the rain. It can also help shelter from wind, snow and cold currents. It is an intimate companion to our wild travel. We can travel with peace of mind; the third is the way of economic camping. When traveling abroad, the most cost-saving accommodation is the accommodation tent. You can count it as follows: A good tent should be around $450 (3 persons can be accommodated). The use of cherish can be used at least 50 times (nights) or more, so the per capita cost is only about 3 yuan at one time, and the room rate of 3 yuan per night is not very cheap, so the accommodation tents are both cost-effective Students.
Accommodation cave
In most fields in the south, there are various types of caves, dry caves, water caves, caves, and compound caves. The accommodation cave is one of the most common ways of traveling in the wild. Our ancestors started a new ground life from the accommodation cave. It can be seen that the accommodation cave is a safe, convenient and warm place to shelter from the rain. The accommodation cave should pay attention to the following points :
Ventilation: First check whether the hole is a ventilated cavern, not a dead hole. To maintain the circulation of air, it is important to point a cigarette to see if the hole is ventilated. If the smoke is wavy in the hole or outside the hole, it means that the hole is ventilated.
Shallow live: Many holes are relatively deep. From a security point of view, it is best to arrange camps closer to the entrance of the cave so as to facilitate evacuation and transfer.
Water conditions: When determining whether a cave is accommodating or not, the water condition of this cave should be known first. Most caves have flowing groundwater in motion, and individual groundwater conditions are complex, especially during the rainy season. The accommodation should be dry and free of drips.
Other cave accommodation should pay attention to: many caves are more bats, swallows and other animals habitat, so the hole into the accommodation to the best to shock them, or change a hole. If you do not have experience in cave exploration, you should do less activity in the cave. Single activities should be prohibited. You can use the tent in the hole instead of the tent. All you need to do is to put on a variety of sleepers. If there are mosquitoes, you can burn them.
Open camp
Sleeping is an exercise and test for our wild life. It is also a rare life experience. In the absence of rain, wind, snow, and frost, you can try your way out in the open air without using tents or any shelter. Sleeping can be done under a big tree, covered with plastic sheeting, moisture-proof mats, and then put on a sleeping bag. The sleeping bag can be covered with a piece of plastic sheeting, or simply hang a rain cloth over the sleeping bag. Anti-dew and mosquitoes can be covered with a layer of gauze in the hood of the sleeping bag to prevent mosquitoes or burning pyrotechnics overnight. Burning smoke can prevent frost and reduce dew. In some rural villages, farmers can be seen doing so to reduce frost fall. . Of course, don't sleep in the rainy season or winter. In addition, be careful not to sleep in watery, densely planted areas where there are many mosquitoes and it is not safe. At the same time, the average temperature in open air is about 5 degrees lower than in tents. Therefore, extra clothing should be provided to prevent cold.
Another way of sleeping is to use a hammock. The advantage of a hammock is that it will not be harassed by animals on the ground (such as snakes and other reptiles) and is suitable in some wet areas. It is necessary to use a hammock to place a mat under the sleeping bag, and Hang a rain cloth on the hammock. There is a hammock-type tent that has a rain canopy, and there are also anti-mosquito gauze, which is suitable for camping in the jungle.
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