Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

There are more than 35,000 known species, ground beetles - or carapace - which are the most species of animals in the world. The biologist Dr. Joachim Schmidt is dedicated to his entire scientific work to study these often very small beetles, their ecological environment, distribution and phylogeny. Of particular interest to him is the ground beetle in the high mountains. Most of these wingless species have very limited ability to spread, so colonization has only a small part. This makes them valuable objects for the study of high mountain environmental history. However, first, biologists are looking for countless species - such as Pterostichus Leica, and Leica toads from the Eastern Himalayas. The Leica M205 C stereo microscope electric focusing drive, assembled TL5000 ERGO transmitted light base, Leica DFC450 digital camera and Leica LAS Montage software help him learn the depth and new variety, providing accurate and detailed documentation for scientific purposes. Using these tools, he can save a lot of time, and the time he spends is spent on elaborate drawings of species descriptions.

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

Comprehensive mapping of biodiversity

Joachim Schmidt has traveled at least once a year since 1989, in various mountains in Europe, Asia and Africa, especially to the Himalayas: "I have at least 25 times now. But I don't think I know that even half of this magnificent mountain system. I tried to systematically record all the vertical beetles of the mountain Himalayas with all accessible parts. I go to check the different areas every time. I also support my Colleagues who sent me beetles to process materials in museums and collections around the world, "biologists involved. His goal is to map the horizontal and vertical distribution of all species, different habitats, and accurately record their links. Based on such data and additional molecular genetic analysis, he then attempted to reconstruct the history of the evolutionary lineage of various species in the development of the mountain during the development of the mountain. But first, he has to find countless species, and to do this, he uses different methods. Many ground beetle stones and dead wood can be found during the day. Especially small species that live in litter and moss in a special collection bag sieve. Other species live in trees and shrubs. Joachim Schmidt took out a beating tray. Ground beetles that are hidden in stone crevices can be detected with a torch during the day and night. Biologists work in his mapping, so that each species has been found, from the subtropical river valley through a variety of alpine zones to the mountain level of habitat altitude and an exact description.

"Because of my own research trip to museum materials and my work, I found 50 new species of ground beetles every year," Joachim Schmidt reported. In the high mountains of South Asia and Africa, there is a huge biodiversity that has not been fully explored so far. "At the same time, biologists' research includes cabinets full of ground beetle species waiting to be identified. Some of them have already sent him Lending a variety of museums and collectibles, he has discovered his own research adventure. "There are hundreds of new species in these cabinets, but they are not of interest to scientists, but because no one else knows them. Joachim Schmidt said, "First, I want to describe in detail the results of their publication, my kind of diagnosis in related journals." Put my days to draw illustrations of insects, some of which measure only a few millimeters. With powerful optics, many different lighting solutions and the LAS Montage software Leica M205 Ç stereo microscope, I can produce high quality documents with different varieties of diagnostic features that make them available for professional use. The possibility of stack photography is a blessing to me. I saved an incredible amount of time - this is one of the reasons I chose the name Pterostichus Leica. "

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

The Leica M205Ç stereo microscope has greatly facilitated the work of biologists. (Photo: Janika Wisner)

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

The possibility of binding photography to Joachim Schmidt is unimaginable. (Photo: Janika Wisner)

The genitals vary greatly during the evolution of the beetle

Biologists mostly ground beetles distinguish different groups of external functions, such as the various parts of the body and their surface structure, the shape and proportion of sensory organs, etc., based on his if he wants to distinguish between closely related species groups, he There are also reproductive organs to see. "In particular, male genitalia often undergo major morphological changes during evolution. This may provide a greater degree of sexual differentiation between closely related species when their distribution overlaps or is adjacent. If individuals of different species are able to mate They will produce viable offspring with little or no, and will lose any acquisition adaptations - a major drawback to fitness as much as possible. The limitations of the mismatch risk of important components of different developed genitalia, explained: "Joachim Schmidt .

Therefore, scientists examine the ground beetles of the reproductive organs as the main feature, distinguishing different varieties. Like the habit of the function, the function of the genitals, therefore, must be accurately recorded in the new species description and modified species groups. Here, the Leica M205 C is a great help from Joachim Schmidt. Thanks to its excellent resolution, the tiny genitals are clearly imaged, even at high magnifications and ideal for illumination of the TL5000 ERGO transmitted light base. As a result, he was able to obtain excellent imaging results with the Leica DAC Montage software for the Leica DFC450 digital camera, even in this extreme range. This saves a lot of time when scientists record the main functions of description and differential diagnosis of different species.

The genitals vary greatly during the evolution of the beetle

Biologists mostly ground beetles distinguish different groups of external functions, such as the various parts of the body and their surface structure, the shape and proportion of sensory organs, etc., based on his if he wants to distinguish between closely related species groups, he There are also reproductive organs to see. "In particular, male genitalia often undergo major morphological changes during evolution. This may provide a greater degree of sexual differentiation between closely related species when their distribution overlaps or is adjacent. If individuals of different species are able to mate They will produce viable offspring with little or no, and will lose any acquisition adaptations - a major drawback to fitness as much as possible. The limitations of the mismatch risk of important components of different developed genitalia, explained: "Joachim Schmidt .

Therefore, scientists examine the ground beetles of the reproductive organs as the main feature, distinguishing different varieties. Like the habit of the function, the function of the genitals, therefore, must be accurately recorded in the new species description and modified species groups. Here, the Leica M205 C is a great help from Joachim Schmidt. Thanks to its excellent resolution, the tiny genitals are clearly imaged, even at high magnifications and ideal for illumination of the TL5000 ERGO transmitted light base. As a result, he was able to obtain excellent imaging results with the Leica LAS Montage software for the Leica DFC450 digital camera, even in this extreme range. This saves a lot of time when scientists record the main functions of description and differential diagnosis of different species.

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

Joachim Schmidt and Leica M205Ç stereomicroscope can accurately record different species such as the diagnostic function of the Tibetan scorpion Curtonotus sifanica. (Photo: Joachim Schmidt)

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

Especially when the sex organs show that high performance fiber optic and microscope software LAS montage is a big help. This image shows the middle lobe of Curtonotus sifanica in the male genitalia. The picture is from a horizontal angle...

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

From the back angle (with the left and right parameres). It is worth noting that - despite the wide curvature - can show the outer contour and internal structure hardening. (Photo: Joachim Schmidt)

Physical activity

Working in the field, Joachim Schmidt usually flies to his alpine destination area at the beginning of the rainy season, as this is the beginning of the active period, most of the ground beetles imagine. In addition to many trekking trekking in the mountains, hard physical labor is waiting for him. For example, he looked at the heavy stones to see the soil and rock fragments of the beetle cavity. There are also many cubic meters of floor mats to be screened. “Every time I go to the Himalayas, I lose about 10 kilograms of weight,” the biologist said. Schmidt's work in the Himalayas is not only hindered by rough monsoon weather, but will also be countless otters that feel very home in a humid environment. "But it's warm and humid air during the summer monsoons of the Himalayas, making the work of the mountains and subnival belts as they rise to high altitudes, melting snow. Here the ground beetle activity during the year is the most rainfall But the most enthusiastic part is limited to this very short period."

Joachim Schmidt, a ground beetle, is a biological tool or biological agent that helps him understand the environmental history of high mountains. Fortunately, species have a close relationship with certain microclimate soil moisture and temperature. This beetle group is a particularly valuable property with high altitudes in the high mountains and high mountains, especially in the middle and low latitudes of the mountains. The entire group of species, living in the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau and the Ethiopian highlands, are restricted to extremely narrow geographical areas. “Because they are wingless and crawling on the ground cavity system, they can dissipate almost, so sometimes colonial tiny areas are only a few square kilometers,” biologists report. “In the process of evolution, the population of various parts of the mountain system has evolved into independent species because of the myriad of scattered barriers in high-altitude environments. Some even go to a small tributary valley system unique to a single mountain range. "

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

Pterostichus (Pseudethira) Lycra was founded by Joachim Schmidt in 2012. Occurred in the Eastern Himalayan species. (Photo: Joachim Schmidt)

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

Work on the choice of names associated with Leica M205Ç inspired biologists. (Photo: Joachim Schmidt)

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

From the description of the species this picture shows the important diagnostic features - apical sinuation of the hind leg of the coleoptera setation. (Photo: Joachim Schmidt)

Pterostichus (Pseudethira) Lycra

A local ground beetle species, an example he described in 2012, was discovered by Pterostichus (Pseudethira) Lycra, which is in a single Eastern Himalayas. All other known species and subspecies of the subgenus Pterostichus Pseudethira, which have about 80 parts of the local high Himalayan. Once biologists have compiled phylogenetic trees that apply morphological feature analysis and molecular genetic methods to these populations, he can use the information in it to reconstruct the distribution history of this fauna because of its origin. “The ground beetle paleo environment is a good agent because they let me look back at the mountains of history,” Schmidt involved. "If I know exactly the pedigrees of all species in a particular mountain system and their horizontal distribution, if the relationship between each species is fully understood, I can conclude that the system's uplift and climate history in this mountain Requirements."

Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

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Leica Microscope reveals the history of environmental adaptation of ground beetles in high mountains

Many unknown species are waiting for him. (Photo: Janika Wisner)

Ground beetles provide clues at the temperature of the last glacial period

In addition to its limited ability to spread, alpine ground beetles are extremely rich in live form and adapt to a variety of mountain habitats. In the examination of his many different species groups, biologists look for repetitive patterns. “From these models, I have come to the conclusion that there are reference values, geomorphologists, geologists and meteorologists,” explains Joachim Schmidt. "In the history of high Asia's climate, for example, our theory still exists today, Tibet is completely covered by a huge ice cover (Tibet ice cover) two kilometers thick. I can refute this theory by detecting micro in central Tibet The unique ground beetle. "With his research biologists can also prove that the highest temperature depression in the last glacial period is much lighter than the general assumption - in fact only three to four Kelvin in South Asia. This is the only explanation for the existing distribution of ground beetles in Transhimalaya.

Biologists still have a lot of work to do in the future. In addition to the scientific analysis and description of many of his research expeditions that have been waiting in his collection cabinet, Joachim Schmidt also inspected ground beetle fossils. “Especially private collections contain huge fossil treasures in the Baltic amber, with almost no scientific exploration,” Schmidt said. “If I succeed in clearly and systematically classifying fossils, I can determine the minimum age of its evolutionary lineage. If I manage to make a branch of a phylogenetic tree, I can have the latest evolutionary events with sufficient precision. Because it is directly related to the mountains. The history of the bandits, especially the high mountain ridges and the environment, I can use this knowledge to date specific mountain-building events. The top quality optical system is an important fossil analysis, too. "In addition, his plan for the future is Amber fossils were examined by X-ray micro-fault. He hopes that this will make him trapped in the investigation of amber beetle optical fiber, such as the reproductive organs, which is critical to the precise determination of the shape of the inaccessible corpse part to obtain information, especially the fossil system location

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