Short-run printing and selection (below)

Company owner Chris Brown simply stated: "The 3302 hasn't stopped since it was installed." It meets customer needs that were previously unavailable to the company. It can print high-quality side job and A3 format jobs.
Personalized Services However, many users prefer to install a digital device. Healeys Printing Company is a lithographic offset printing company founded more than 30 years ago. At present, they have added a digital printing device to provide customers with personalized services that can achieve the level of traditional lithographic offset quality.
Mr. Philip Dodd, General Manager, said: “We have observed many different digital press products. None of them can achieve the quality level of our lithographic presses. Finally we found the HP Indigo press.”
He added: “The installation cost of this very competitive press is also very low and very attractive. Once we install it, we can provide customers with a wide range of product services. These products include those produced in short-run printing. Postcards, envelopes and business cards, etc. can also be customized or specially processed according to the customer's special needs.”
For many printing companies, adding a small-format simulation device for short-run color printing is almost a decision that does not need to be considered because it is a mature and very familiar technology. From the perspective of economics is also very reasonable, operator training is easy, and the risk is small.
The most commonly cited reason for customers to choose analog output over digital output is the cost of a single sheet. When offset printing is used, the cost of a single sheet decreases gradually with the increase in the amount of work, and the installation cost and the cost of prepress processing can be dispersed into a large number of copy products.
Relevant factors worthy of consideration Technically speaking, there is no prepress processing for digital printing. According to the traditional idea, the single-sheet cost will not decrease with the increase of the workload. This view should be revisited now because the digital printing workflow does not include traditional prepress operations but includes data and document management. Although this is not a problem that needs to be considered when dealing with the same job for each page, it is a relevant factor that is worth considering for variable information printing.
Although there is still much debate about investment simulation printing technology, the debate over the advantages of digital printing is still very weak. They may also be destroyed by the market as the concept of variable information develops. In short, there will be very attractive debates between the two technologies.
The combination of Ctp output and small format printers is much less risky and cost-effective, which means it can meet all the needs of customers in short-run color press jobs. However, digital printing also brings new opportunities, flexibility, quality, and performance to the company's future.
In recent years, the printing technology has developed so rapidly that it is clear that the future belongs to digital technology, but he will spend more time than most experts predict. It takes a long time for digital printing technology to occupy the color printing business market.

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