Photoshop CS3 new features overview

Figure 1 Photoshop CS3 startup screen


Photoshop CS3 test package does not seem big, 337M, compressed package decompression interface like Acrobat's interface change, huh, huh.

Like Dreamweaver CS3, Photoshop CS3's fragmented children (components) are enough, many strange faces, like the production park star like, huh, huh.

Figure 2 super multi-component installation


At first, it was thought that the Photoshop CS3 interface would refer to Premiere Pro2 and other audio and video software, and it looks like that is not the case.

The biggest change in Photoshop CS3 is the toolbox, which becomes scalable and can be long single bars and short double bars.

The quick mask mode and screen switching mode on the toolbox also change the switching method.

There is a group selection mode in the selection tool option of the toolbox. You can choose the group or separate layers yourself.

The toolbox has a quick selection tool QuickSelectionTool. It should be a quick version of the magic wand. It can be selected without any shortcut keys. Pressing and holding can select areas like paintings, which is very magical. Of course, the option bar is also available in three modes: new, plus, and minus. Quickly selecting images with large color differences can be very intuitive and fast.

All of the selection tools include options for redefining the Refine Edge, such as defining the radius of the edge, contrast, degree of feathering, etc., which can shrink and expand the selection. There are also many display modes available, such as quick mask mode and mask mode, which are very convenient. For example, you have a simple feathering that allows you to preview and adjust the effect of different feathering values. Of course, selecting the familiar feather command in the menu will exit the stage of history.

ImageReady hangs completely and it seems to push Fireworks CS3 later. Everyone should remember that when I commented on Photoshop CS2, I said that most of the features of ImageReady CS2, in addition to making flip buttons and hotspots, have been transferred to Photoshop. At that time, ImageReadyCS2 had already been emptied and displayed.

The palette can be reduced to beautiful icons, a bit like CorelDraw's docker, or the shrinking state of a panel like Flash, but in comparison to this cooler, two-tiered shrink, it feels great!

The original docker location in CS2 was replaced by a function to change the color of the workspace. This CS2 is there, but not in this location. For example, we want to do web design, it will color out the functional menus that may be used in web design.

There is a Clone (Generic) Source palette that is used in conjunction with imitation stamps to allow multiple clone sources (sampling points) to be defined, just as Word has multiple clipboard content. In addition, the clone source can perform overlapping preview, provide specific sampling coordinates, and can perform editing operations such as shifting, scaling, rotating, and mixing on the clone source. The clone source can be for a single layer, it can be two upper and lower layers, or it can be all layers. This is more of a pattern than the previous version.

The animation panel has no special updates except for a number of optional menus for the previous frame and the next frame, but the option of directly saving the FlashSwf format in ImageReady does not know where to go.

Figure 3 Photoshop CS3 interface

Bridge Bridge:

In the preview of AdobeBridge, you can use the magnifying glass to enlarge the partial image, and this magnifying glass can also be moved and rotated. If you select multiple pictures at the same time, you can also preview them together. This is really cool.

AdobeBridge added the AcrobatConnect feature, used to open web conferences, formerly known as Macromedia's descendant Breeze.

Bridge can directly look at the FlashFLV format video. In addition, Bridge starts feeling good, faster than both CS2 and CS, without any drag and “dead feeling”.

In the Bridge, select multiple pictures, press Ctrl+G to stack multiple pictures, of course, click to expand at any time, this is to save space.

The advanced search in AdobeStockPhotosCS3 is displayed directly outside. You can directly select the manufacturer and picture type of the provided material. Because of the increase of new image suppliers, the material is much more than before. Unfortunately, Chinese search is not supported.

Figure 4 AdobeBridgeCS3 interface

Figure 5 AdobeStockPhotosCS3 interface

Figure 6 Acrobat Connect interface


The New dialog box adds the default size settings for creating web pages, videos, and mobile content directly. For example, commonly used Web Banner size, such as the common mobile phone screen size and so on.

The file menu has one more "Open as Smart Object" and what is Smart Object? Please find my previous CS2 new feature video tutorial.

The file menu also has an additional "Clear Recent Open Files" menu.

There is also an Adobe DeviceCentral, similar to the Flash Lite device (mobile phone) test environment, there are wallpaper and screen saver modes, there is no Japanese mobile phone model, cool! AdobeCS3 most of the software contains this component, currently three mobile phone content can be created, respectively It is Flash CS3, Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS3, it seems that to seize the mobile phone market is Adobe's strategic policy.

Before SaveforWeb, now becomes SaveforWeb&Device, save the content of the mobile phone when saving the webpage, the same need to be compressed Well, huh, huh.

The "import" of the file menu has a "video frame to layer", "export" has a "rendered to video", the future is the same network video. From AdobeMAX2006 a large number of demonstrations of AfterEffects and Flash combination can be seen.

Zoomify should be a third-party plug-in that can produce thumbnail images that are scaled into larger images, and includes a "hawkeye" feature similar to Photoshop's navigator, which can be dragged to quickly see any of the larger images. position.

CameraRaw4 not only can open the raw format file, but also can directly open JPG to adjust (need to select PreFerAdobeCameraRawforJPEGFiles in the preferences). The options are a lot more, and the sliders for each option are very intuitive, such as adjusting the color temperature, then the slider shows warm colors while the side is cool. There is one more recovery slider, similar to the fade command in Photoshop. For example, when adjusting the picture highlight, you can return to the appropriate state.

The options for printing and preferences have been adjusted. For example, the new setting panel of the scratch disk, you can define the memory used by Photoshop, and provide reference data of available memory and ideal memory.

The edit menu automatically aligns layers and automatically blends layers, aligns superimposed images and blends the images together, alleviating manual alignment.

The "Channel Mixer", "Curve", "Brightness Contrast", etc. in the Adjustment menu have been updated to add a more professional solution for adjusting black and white images and monochrome images, providing more detail control and options.

There are many "convert to smart filter" in the filter, and it is used together with the smart layer. The so-called non-destructive retouching, that is, after adding the filter will not cause substantial damage to the picture, like the layer style Close, delete, modify at any time. You can add multiple filters, adjust levels and blend modes, and bring your own masks.

The vanishing point filter has been updated to not only repair and copy images with perspective effects. You can also attach materials to a model with a perspective effect to produce 3D effects.

The other is that it has not changed, the brush panel has not changed, the mixing option has not changed, the common filter has not changed, the batch has not changed, the vector shape and the path has not changed.

There was an error when changing the layer name to Chinese. Photoshop CS3 turned off illegally. It seems to be the cause of Beta. It is not stable enough.

Figure 7 AdobeDeviceCentralCS3 interface

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