Seniors beauty struggling to death at the gym practicing yoga notes

In order to keep up with the tide of job hunting, a senior female student in Changsha, Xingxin (a pseudonym), specially set up a gym card. On the first yoga class, Shinshin fell to the ground and never woke up again. According to the police, the initial judgment was cardiac arrest.

Yoga has become one of the most popular fitness exercises nowadays, but there are a few patients who suffer strains or other injuries due to yoga practice. Xiao Bian reminded that practicing yoga should proceed from its own actual conditions. Do not be competitive, so as not to backfire.

The following patients are not suitable for practicing yoga:

1) Women should not practice yoga during menstruation

2) Careful selection of yoga for hypertensive patients

3) Asthmatic patients only perform simple actions

4) It is not advisable to practice difficult movements after half a year

5) Heart patients

6) People with cervical and lumbar spine diseases should do simple exercises appropriately, and they should be able to achieve the desired results in a gradual and orderly manner.

Practice Yoga Notes:

1, the best time to practice in the early morning or dusk.

2, 3 hours before the exercise to ensure fasting, you can drink a small amount of liquid food or drink, half an hour after the exercise can eat.

3, choose a quiet, clean, fresh air, try to leave the room and choose the natural open space.

4. It is particularly important for breathing exercises to open the window indoors to keep the air flowing. Green plants or flowers can be placed next to it.

5. It is not appropriate to practice in a hard floor or in a soft bed. During practice, a mat should be laid on the ground.

6, barefoot when practicing. Practice the selection of fabrics with natural texture, cotton and linen are the best, tailoring as simple and loose as possible, so as to ensure breathability and the body is unrestrained during practice.

7. Keep quiet while practicing, avoid talking, eliminate distractions, and try to concentrate your mind and body. When practicing alone, the concert is a good companion.

8, pay attention to your own physical condition, should not be difficult for yourself. If you have physical discomfort or illness, try not to practice difficult movements and you may not practice at all.

9, if you want to use hot water after practice, should be carried out after 15 minutes, you can also choose to take a bath before practice.

10. Women should not practice yoga during the menstrual period. Hypertension and asthma patients should only perform simple movements. Six months after surgery, they should not practice difficult exercises.

11. Do your body movements in a way that does not exceed your limits, but rather slowly and step-by-step to achieve what you can afford.

12, yoga has a very good adjustment for some special physiological conditions, such as back diseases, pregnancy care, etc., but it is best to perform under the guidance of a teacher.

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