Food packaging plasticizer testing standards urgently need to be improved


The detection of plasticizers in plastic packaging is based on two aspects: maximum residue detection and specific migration detection. The detection of the maximum residue in China is based on the national standard GB/T21928-2008 "Determination of phthalates in food plastic packaging materials ", which is used to measure the content of phthalate esters in plastic packaging materials. The maximum residue detection limit is required to be 0.05 mg/kg, and a total of 16 substances to be tested are specified.

However, for the detection of specific migration quantities, China has not yet issued a matching national standard, and there is only one pre-treatment test method GB/T23296.1-2009 "Food contact materials plastics restricted substances plastic substances to food And food mimics specific migration tests and methods for determination of content and guidelines for the selection of exposure conditions for food simulants. The industry standard is based on SN/T2037-2007 "Determination of migration of phthalate plasticizers in plastic molded articles in contact with foods by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry."

At present, China's GB9685-2008 "Sanitary Standards for the Use of Additives for Food Containers and Packaging Materials" specifies the limit values ​​for specific migration of several plasticizers: DBP (0.3mg/kg), DEHP (1.5mg/kg), DINP (9.0mg/kg) and DIDP (1.5mg/kg), but the limit value of the standard for the maximum residue is blank, and the EU test standard specifies the detection limit of each substance. GB9685-2008 also requires relevant departments to revise and add the maximum residue index value as soon as possible and to supplement the limit value of the blank part of the specific migration quantity, so that the quality inspection organization has corresponding operability when implementing the standard.

The above content is selected from the 16th issue of “Printing Technology·Packaging and Decoration” of Keyin Media in 2012. For more journal content, please pay attention to the journal channel. The latest journal content clicks into the electronic journal channel of

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