Breyer succeeds in developing multi-wall sheet extrusion equipment

Breyer's new multi-wall sheet extrusion line Breyer's main technology is its multi-wall sheet (hollow sheet) extrusion equipment for polycarbonate (PC) extrusion molding. The output of the extrusion line shown in the figure is up to 700kg/h; effective exhaust, no drying process is required; the patented melt pump control system of this production line can effectively speed up the activation process.

According to reports, the core technology of this equipment is its redesigned vacuum sleeve; new surface treatment technology can extend the life of the mold and increase the extrusion speed; through the display, the user can easily manipulate the vacuum sleeve, adjust the thickness of the sheet And use other functions; improved cutting device can be operated by cold cutting and can be used for 50mm thick sheet processing. Breyer can also add window control software to the system according to customer needs and control the production process on a personal computer via a modem connection.

Source: China Plastic Rubber

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