How to buy a cost-effective wardrobe?

[ Chinese wardrobe network ] Home decoration owners will certainly face a series of problems in the purchase of building materials, and the purchase of wardrobes is to pay attention to, from which aspects to identify the quality of the wardrobe? The owner of the home decoration will definitely face a series of problems in the purchase of building materials, and the purchase of the wardrobe is to pay attention to, from which aspects to identify the quality of the wardrobe?

Whether the wardrobe board is environmentally friendly

Nowadays, the wardrobe board includes fiberboard, particleboard, plywood, etc., and the adhesive with formaldehyde is used in the production process, so it is inevitable to contain formaldehyde in the finished wardrobe. When selecting, it is recommended to check whether the relevant monitoring data meets the national mandatory standards. The environmentally-friendly standard plate is used to make the finished wardrobe. The odor can be basically volatilized within 3~7 days after the preparation, and the odor is not difficult to remove after 3~6 months.

The door is consistent with the border color

The borders and door panels of the brand wardrobe doors are from the same manufacturer, and the color lines can be completely consistent. The miscellaneous wardrobes are patchwork and cannot be completely consistent. At the time of purchase, you should pay attention to the view of the wardrobe track, etc. Due to the high frequency of use, the quality is poor and the push-pull obstacle is easy to occur.

Three methods for calculating wardrobe pricing

There are three methods for calculating the price of a custom closet, which are calculated by the area of ​​the panel, calculated by the projected area, and calculated by the meter. The first and most common methods used in the market are the latter two methods: the projected area is calculated by the front area of ​​the closet, and the meter is calculated by the length of the width or height. Calculating the area of ​​the plate is the latest popular method. The manufacturer lists the quantity and type of the plates used, so that consumers can see carefully and understand the consumption.

Wardrobe maintenance should be clean and refreshing

At present, most of the brand manufacturers have promised a five-year warranty for lifetime maintenance. The daily simple maintenance is kept clean, ventilated and moisture-proof. In the daily maintenance of the wardrobe, the focus is on keeping the wardrobe door clean. There should be no debris or dust in the track, and the heavy objects and sharp objects should be prevented from hitting the track, so as to avoid the track deformation affecting the wheel sliding effect. In addition, it is recommended to clean the surface with a corrosive cleaning solution. If the mirror surface or glass is damaged, please replace it with a professional, and the glass should avoid hard object collision, and often keep it ventilated and keep dry.

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