[Office partner information platform] My laptop keyboard has a few letters that can't be typed recently. If the letter D can't be typed, there is no way to use the Dir command in the DOS window. The letter S is sometimes not available. How to deal with it?
This is the most common fault of the keyboard. Some commonly used alphabetic keys with high frequency are the most prone to problems. Individual keys are not dirty because of dirty contact, or the spring loses its elasticity. You can open the keyboard and wash the keyboard with absolute alcohol. Inside (the part of the failed button that touches the keycap), if there is a transparent plastic film inside, please remove it and clean it. If the desktop keyboard is not handled well, don't worry, now it's a few hundred dollars to change a good new keyboard. However, if there is a problem with the keyboard of the notebook, it is troublesome. If it cannot be repaired, you can use software to redefine some of the less commonly used keys instead of the commonly used keys. The easiest emergency method is to hold down the ALT key and enter the ASCII code of the common key on the keypad. For example, ALT+68 is the uppercase "D".
Ningbo Wellcome Trading Co., Ltd. , https://www.huike-homecare.com