PLoS ONE: Ultrasound triggers bone cell migration

Tissues like bones and muscles have a strong dynamic balance after being stimulated by mechanical load and stress such as exercise. Dr. Qin and colleagues at Shixi Branch Shu Zhang and Jiqi Cheng are studying how osteoblasts respond to mechanical signals such as ultrasound.

In the experimental model of mouse cells, the research team created a new form of acoustic radiation (ARF) ultrasound, which is only suitable for a single osteoblast within a minute. They agreed that ARF induces cytoskeletal rearrangement by focused ultrasound beam, promotes cell viability and flow, and accelerates intracellular calcium ion transport and concentration.

Dr. Qin said the device is being developed as a new diagnostic tool that can predict early bone loss. The research project was partially funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Space Biomedicine.

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