China's abacus "leading" world invention ranking ballpoint pen ranked 9th

According to China Daily, in the long history of human civilization, there are some gadgets that are commonplace in daily life. We often overlook their importance, but they have forever changed the way we live and work. Recently, the British "Independent" selected 101 small inventions that changed the world. The first place is the abacus with nearly 2000 years of history from China. Among them, the top ten in the rankings are: No. 1: Abacus inventing: 190 AD

According to records, the use of abacus can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty in 190 AD. So far, the speed of adding with an abacus can still exceed the electronic calculator. No. 2: Archimedes spiral pumping machine invented: about 700 BC

This kind of machine that transports water from low to high is said to have been invented by ancient Greek scientist Archimedes in the 3rd century BC. But recent research shows that it was applied as early as the 7th century BC Babylonian "sky garden" period. Today, people use this ancient tool in irrigation drainage. No. 3: Aspirin Invention Year: 1899

Aspirin, which has been used for centuries, is a magical drug in the history of medicine. It can cure many minor illnesses more than any other drug. It is still the most widely used antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs in the world. No. 4: Atari 2600 game console invented: 1977

The Atari 2600 game console is the first real home console system in history. It has been in business for 30 years since its release in October 1977. It sold 30 million before the suspension on January 1, 1992. station. It is the tens of billions of dollars in the home console industry. No. 5: Barbed Wire Invention Year: 1873

Strictly speaking, the technical content of this invention is not high, but it has caused a lot of controversy. Some even call it a symbol of oppression. But the invention was not originally intended to stop people, but to prevent the loss of cattle. American farmer Joseph Gidden invented the method of mass-produced this kind of cross-barbed wire. Due to the low cost, the wire mesh is still spread around the farm and on the national border.

No. 6: Barcode, Age of Invention: 1973; No. 7: Battery, Age of Invention: 1800; No. 8: Bicycle, Year of Invention: 1861; No. 9: Ballpoint Pen, Year of Invention: 1938; Bit: BlackBerry mobile mail system, invented: 1999.

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