US Invented Automatic Frozen Beverage Cans

Recently, technicians at TempraTechnology Inc. in the United States have invented an auto-frozen beverage can. Currently, the company has signed contracts with a British company that specializes in selling best-selling beer such as Heineken and Budweiser, and Coca-Cola and Pepsi cans. It has also started to sell “immediately frozen” canned drinks in the UK since July.

It is reported that the instant freezing design of the beverage can can reduce the temperature of the beverage by 16.7 cC in 3 minutes and can maintain the temperature for 1 hour. Its freezing design uses the principle of evaporation. The cup-shaped liner in the jar is used to hold the beverage. It is surrounded by a kind of moisture gel. When the bottom half of the jar is twisted, the seal layer between the upper and lower layers is opened. Among them, the desiccant is the dehydration of the upper gel dehydration, the heat of the beverage was removed, and absorbed by an insulated heat-absorbing device at the bottom of the tank, so that the beer, soda remained frozen for about 1 hour.

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