The artistic and educational value of flexible packaging

The collection value, artistic value, and educational value of stamps are believed to be known to everyone, but do you know the artistic value and educational value of flexible packaging?

If you want to ask where the greatest difference in appearance between the commodity of the early 1980s and the present commodity is, you must say: "Of course it is packaged." Whether it is flexible packaging (the type and quantity of soft packaging at that time were few) or hard packaging, it was very simple in the 1980s, not to mention the value of packaging design, packaging creativity, and packaging education. Today's packaging, especially flexible packaging, can change with each passing day. When you enter the supermarket or shopping mall, dazzling food soft packaging attracts the most attention to ladies and children. Such as instant noodles, plum, dried tangerine peel, potato chips, peanuts, seeds and other flavors of small food packaging is dazzling. This shows that the rapid development of flexible packaging.

Today's flexible packaging not only materials stress, beautifully printed, and different foods use different composite materials, o into modern packaging technologies, such as vacuum packaging, aseptic packaging, cooking packaging, etc., enough to meet the various needs of people on food.

At present, although some soft packaging on the market has artistic value, it lacks educational value. A small soft packaging bag looks simple, but it is not simple. It has several functions: one is to protect the goods; the other is to beautify the goods; and the third is to educate people. For example, a flexible packaging design worker can package and design drawings that teach children or adults. Some products are printed with the pattern of the Great Wall of China, which is undoubtedly a historical and cultural education; some products are printed with environmental protection propaganda patterns designed to educate people not to throw things at random, waste must be thrown Go to the trash.

At present, most children's food flexible packaging is painted on animated figures or animals. This is designed by the packaging designer to cater to the children's preferences, but it must not be designed to kill and kill violent images.

In short, soft packaging, like stamps, can show many things. However, the urgent need to improve is the artistic value and educational value of China's flexible packaging. This is also one of the most important tasks for flexible packaging designers.

Reprinted from: (China Packaging News)

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