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One of the most important steps in roll-to-roll embossing and holographic positioning is the quality inspection. The biggest weakness of the roll-to-roll inspection is that it cannot sample the product online. This is also one of the important reasons behind the application of roll-to-roll bronzing technology in the application of sheet-foil bronzing technology. Therefore, to fully realize the roll-to-roll convex hot + holographic positioning hot production, the first problem is to solve the problem of online quality inspection. However, in the detection process, the change of the rainbow effect of holograms in holographic aluminum is not a small test for on-line detection, and it is also a difficult task to overcome for a period of time, especially the convex hot and holographic positioning of different aluminum foils. It is even more difficult for hotspots to test their quality at the same time online. At present, there are three companies at home and abroad claiming that they have developed a quality inspection system that can detect holograms. They are the Israeli AVT quality inspection system, the German E+L quality inspection system and Beijing Lingyun's quality inspection system.

All three quality inspection systems can be installed on roll-to-roll bronzing equipment for simultaneous online inspection, and can record, alarm, and display quality problems that occur during the bronzing process. They can also determine their location through the roll-back system and use replacements. The method completes the production of the finished reel. Among the three quality inspection systems, the Israel AVT quality inspection system and the German E+L quality inspection system use the system quality inspection method. The Beijing Lingyun quality inspection system adopts the dual system quality inspection method. From the experimental results, the dual-system quality inspection method is more effective in detecting various fine flaws in hologram bronzing. Therefore, when selecting a roll-to-roll convex bronzing + holographic positioning gilding quality inspection system, it is recommended to select double System quality inspection method.

The choice of routing

For the more difficult holographic positioning hot stamping reel products in the current fine cigarette packs, we recommend the best process route: multi-color gravure + still image quality inspection → offline holographic positioning hot + convex hot duplex Hot stamping + dual system quality inspection → offline rewinding and rewinding → single volume secondary quality inspection → rewinding stitching → finished product storage.

Thinking about problems

1) If round press double press hot stamping is used, the effect on the convex hot part will be less than that of the original flat press. If the flattening double station hot stamping is used, the registration of the holographic positioning hot will have some problems when the layout is large, and it is a problem for such a reeling product. Of course, here is an idea that can be achieved in a set of equipment, a station for the round pressure round, while the other station is flattened to solve the above problem, which requires bronzing equipment manufacturers to further study the test.

2) Production process

1 After the soft paper is hot, after a large tension, the convex hot effect will have a certain influence, and will be slightly different from the original.

2 Asymmetric convex hot, whether it will affect the normal packaging production of the cigarette factory wrapping machine due to the size of the reel.

Above, we mainly carried out preliminary research and discussion on the basis of related experiments on the roll-to-roll holographic positioning hot stamping hot stamping cigarette production process. There may be many problems in the future batch production that need to be solved continuously. If a new gilding new process can be realized in batches in production, it will have better results for improving production efficiency, saving raw materials and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction.

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